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WPF Databinding intellisense

Ok, so I have a general question about WPF. I've messed a little with ASP.NET MVC and in the markup it has intellisense on your viewmodel object so you don't mistype it( i love it).

Enter WPF, I love it, I'm utilizing the MVVM approach and one annoying thing that I have to do is make sure I'm binding correctly to my viewmodel. So I type something up in my xaml, then I either 1) if I'm lazy just run the app and click around 2) If i'm not lazy a)Look at the current DataContext of the control I'm working with. b)Go to that ViewModel class look at the properties c)Find my property and then click back to my view and make sure that I spelled it correctly.

I believe that you can look at your trace output for incorrect bindings at run time, but is there something in the horizon to allow intellisense in xaml. The View needs to know about my ViewModel, so why not expose that in xaml.

I think it would be nice for the IDE to do that for me, meaning, when I type "{Binding " it should go up the visual tree find the first non-null DataContext and display the properties, let me select one and there you have it.

Am I missing something? Are there any alternatives. Any insight?


Regarding the comments below there is a way to set the datacontext at design time e.g.

    <DesignTimeData:DesignTimeCustomers x:Key="designTimeCustomersDS" />

which is a snippet from this blog: http://karlshifflett.wordpress.com/2008/10/11/viewing-design-time-data-in-visual-studio-2008-cider-designer-in-wpf-and-silverlight-projects/

All it does is reference a class within xaml.

So with that in place could not the designer then utilize reflection on the datacontext to give you all of the properties for that class?

like image 679
Jose Avatar asked Jun 03 '09 14:06


2 Answers

VS 2013:

IntelliSense with resolved DataContext enter image description here

IntelliSense with design time DataContext enter image description here

like image 196
Ramin Bateni Avatar answered Nov 01 '22 06:11

Ramin Bateni

So with that in place could not the designer then utilize reflection on the datacontext to give you all of the properties for that class?

Resharper 6 has this feature and can show you members of the d:DataContext in the intellisense, if you set the d:DataContext on the View.

like image 24
Liviu Trifoi Avatar answered Nov 01 '22 05:11

Liviu Trifoi