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WPF composite Windows and ViewModels

I have a WPF Window which contains few UserControls, those controls contain another. And now, what is the most principal way how to create ViewModel for this Window and where to bind it.

I do expect that one firstly needs to create ViewModel for each of sub-controls.

like image 778
Cartesius00 Avatar asked Oct 10 '22 21:10


1 Answers

There are a few ways to do this.

Inject the VM

I would recommend this method.

If your window is created in the App class like

var window = new MyWindow();

I would assign the VM before showing the window:

var window = new MyWindow();
window.DataContext = GetDataContextForWindow();

If one of your controls needs an own view model assign the VM wile creating the control instance.


If you want to set the VM of a control you can bind the DataContext property to an VM instance provided by the surrounding VM.

<Controls:MyControl DataContext={Binding MyControlsVm} />

Code Behind

You may set the VM using the init method in code behind like

public MyWindow()
    DataContext = CreateViewModel;

You may use a trick if you don't want to create a VM for your main page:

public MyWindow()
    DataContext = this;

and just use the code behind class as VM.

like image 93
Zebi Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 03:10
