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wpf: Buttons, Textboxes, getting cut off




I am really confused why some of my textboxes and buttons are being cut off, could someone please help me fix this problem? Thanks!!


            <TabItem Name="tabHome">
                    <Label Content="Home" MouseLeftButtonDown="tabHome_Click"/>
                    <Button Content="Parse" Height="23" x:Name="btn_parse" Width="75" Click="buttonParse_Click" Margin="180,10,180,176"/>
                    <TextBox IsReadOnly="True"  x:Name="txtbox_filepath" Height="25" Width="135" Margin="151,52,150,132" />
                    <Button Content="Reset" Height="23" x:Name="btn_reset" Width="75" Margin="180,122,180,64" Click="buttonReset_Click"/>
            <TabItem Name="tabConfig">
                <Label Content="Configuration" MouseLeftButtonDown="tabConfig_Click"/>
                    <StackPanel Name="panelConfig">



As you can see the button and the textbox is cut off in the corners.
Thank you for the help I appreciate it.

like image 470
AustinT Avatar asked Aug 06 '13 17:08


1 Answers

When you give a Margin value like this Margin="180,10,180,176" then it means that the control has to be placed 180 dip from Left and 10 dip from Top, 180 from Right and 176 from bottom with reference to the parent control. Your controls were clipped because of the high Margin values.

enter image description here

Note: dip - device independent pixels.

It is better to create RowDefinitions for Grid and place controls in separate rows with reasonable margin value as shown below.

        <TabItem Name="tabHome">
                <Label Content="Home"/>
                    <RowDefinition Height="Auto"/>
                    <RowDefinition Height="Auto"/>
                    <RowDefinition Height="Auto"/>
                <Button Grid.Row="0" Content="Parse" Height="23" x:Name="btn_parse" Width="75" Margin="10" />
                <TextBox Grid.Row="1" IsReadOnly="True"  x:Name="txtbox_filepath" Height="25" Width="135" Margin="10" />
                <Button Grid.Row="2" Content="Reset" Height="23" x:Name="btn_reset" Width="75" Margin="10"/>
        <TabItem Name="tabConfig">
                <Label Content="Configuration"/>
                <StackPanel Name="panelConfig">
like image 159
Anand Murali Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 08:09

Anand Murali