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WPF - add static items to a combo box





I've said it before and I'll say it again, the easiest examples for WPF are also the hardest to find on the web :)

I have a combo box that I need to display but it doesn't need to be databound or anything else, the content is static. How can I add a static list of items to my combo box using XAML?

like image 912
Unknown Coder Avatar asked Nov 24 '09 17:11

Unknown Coder

4 Answers

Here is the code from MSDN and the link - Article Link, which you should check out for more detail.

<ComboBox Text="Is not open">
    <ComboBoxItem Name="cbi1">Item1</ComboBoxItem>
    <ComboBoxItem Name="cbi2">Item2</ComboBoxItem>
    <ComboBoxItem Name="cbi3">Item3</ComboBoxItem>
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Wade73 Avatar answered Nov 03 '22 02:11


Like this:

<ComboBox Text="MyCombo">
<ComboBoxItem  Name="cbi1">Item1</ComboBoxItem>
<ComboBoxItem  Name="cbi2">Item2</ComboBoxItem>
<ComboBoxItem  Name="cbi3">Item3</ComboBoxItem>
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Tony The Lion Avatar answered Nov 03 '22 01:11

Tony The Lion

You can also add items in code:


Also, to add something where you control display/value, (almost categorically needed in my experience) you can do so. I found a good stackoverflow reference here:

Key Value Pair Combobox in WPF

Sum-up code would be something like this:

ComboBox cboSomething = new ComboBox();
cboSomething.DisplayMemberPath = "Key";
cboSomething.SelectedValuePath = "Value";
cboSomething.Items.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, string>("Something", "WhyNot"));
cboSomething.Items.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, string>("Deus", "Why"));
cboSomething.Items.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, string>("Flirptidee", "Stuff"));
cboSomething.Items.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, string>("Fernum", "Blictor"));
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omJohn8372 Avatar answered Nov 03 '22 01:11


<ComboBox Text="Something">
            <ComboBoxItem Content="Item1"></ComboBoxItem >
            <ComboBoxItem Content="Item2"></ComboBoxItem >
            <ComboBoxItem Content="Item3"></ComboBoxItem >
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ritesh seth Avatar answered Nov 03 '22 01:11

ritesh seth