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Would you use Code Bubbles? [closed]

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What is code bubbles?

Welcome to Code Bubbles Code Bubbles is a working-set based Integrated Development Environment that makes it easy to display the code you need for your current task and which simplifies navigation. It includes a number of advanced or experimental facilities and is under active development.

I would use it in a heartbeat. I always want to work that way anyways.

I only think about things in terms of a directory structure when I first create them: after that I always want to work by train-of-thought rather than by file.

For languages like C# and Java where the actual organisation of code files and blocks (methods, etc) is fairly rigid (even more so in Java than C#) then something that provides a novel "view" of the code could probably work. You could allow the tool to organise your code with one class per file, methods sorted by visibility, or whatever coding standard you wanted, and the tool could handle it all in such a way that someone could still come along and look at the "raw" files and make sense of it all.

It would be a problem for a language like C++ where you can basically do whatever you like...

Think about it this way... What would be easier:

(1.) To have code bubbles in which you can view a chain of functions that are called from each other all in one simultaneous view


(2.) Constantly tab back-and-forth between those functions, spread across 6 or 7 source code files, in a single text editor?

Would I use code bubbles? If MS doesn't come out with a VS equivalent in the next few years, I might suddenly develop a very keen interest in becoming a Java developer.

I thought it was an impressively innovative concept, I can't wait to try it out!

Apart from the brilliant idea to see code independently from the files it is stored in, the thing I found the most interesting was the "minimap"-like bar that showed a miniature of your bubble layout and let you instantly scroll or position your "desktop" over a particular area.

This is the way virtual desktops should be implemented on a operating-system level!