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Would C# benefit from distinctions between kinds of enumerators, like C++ iterators?

I have been thinking about the IEnumerator.Reset() method. I read in the MSDN documentation that it only there for COM interop. As a C++ programmer it looks to me like a IEnumerator which supports Reset is what I would call a forward iterator, while an IEnumerator which does not support Reset is really an input iterator.

So part one of my question is, is this understanding correct?

The second part of my question is, would it be of any benefit in C# if there was a distinction made between input iterators and forward iterators (or "enumerators" if you prefer)? Would it not help eliminate some confusion among programmers, like the one found in this SO question about cloning iterators?

EDIT: Clarification on forward and input iterators. An input iterator only guarantees that you can enumerate the members of a collection (or from a generator function or an input stream) only once. This is exactly how IEnumerator works in C#. Whether or not you can enumerate a second time, is determined by whether or not Reset is supported. A forward iterator, does not have this restriction. You can enumerate over the members as often as you want.

Some C# programmers don't underestand why an IEnumerator cannot be reliably used in a multipass algorithm. Consider the following case:

void PrintContents(IEnumerator<int> xs)
  while (iter.MoveNext())
  while (iter.MoveNext())

If we call PrintContents in this context, no problem:

List<int> ys = new List<int>() { 1, 2, 3 }

However look at the following:

IEnumerable<int> GenerateInts() {   
  System.Random rnd = new System.Random();
  for (int i=0; i < 10; ++i)
    yield return Rnd.Next();


If the IEnumerator supported Reset, in other words supported multi-pass algorithms, then each time you iterated over the collection it would be different. This would be undesirable, because it would be surprising behavior. This example is a bit faked, but it does occur in the real world (e.g. reading from file streams).

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cdiggins Avatar asked Oct 28 '09 02:10


1 Answers

Reset was a big mistake. I call shenanigans on Reset. In my opinion, the correct way to reflect the distinction you are making between "forward iterators" and "input iterators" in the .NET type system is with the distinction between IEnumerable<T> and IEnumerator<T>.

See also this answer, where Microsoft's Eric Lippert (in an unofficial capactiy, no doubt, my point is only that he's someone with more credentials than I have to make the claim that this was a design mistake) makes a similar point in comments. Also see also his awesome blog.

like image 188
Doug McClean Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 23:10

Doug McClean