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Worse performance using Eigen than using my own class

A couple of weeks ago I asked a question about the performance of matrix multiplication.

I was told that in order to enhance the performance of my program I should use some specialised matrix classes rather than my own class.

StackOverflow users recommended:

  • uBLAS
  • BLAS

At first I wanted to use uBLAS however reading documentation it turned out that this library doesn't support matrix-matrix multiplication.

After all I decided to use EIGEN library. So I exchanged my matrix class to Eigen::MatrixXd - however it turned out that now my application works even slower than before. Time before using EIGEN was 68 seconds and after exchanging my matrix class to EIGEN matrix program runs for 87 seconds.

Parts of program which take the most time looks like that

TemplateClusterBase* TemplateClusterBase::TransformTemplateOne( vector<Eigen::MatrixXd*>& pointVector, Eigen::MatrixXd& rotation ,Eigen::MatrixXd& scale,Eigen::MatrixXd& translation )
    for (int i=0;i<pointVector.size();i++ )
        //Eigen::MatrixXd outcome =
        Eigen::MatrixXd outcome = (rotation*scale)* (*pointVector[i])  + translation;
        //delete  prototypePointVector[i];      // ((rotation*scale)* (*prototypePointVector[i])  + translation).ConvertToPoint();
        //assosiatedPointIndexVector[i]    = prototypePointVector[i]->associatedTemplateIndex = i;

    return this;


Eigen::MatrixXd AlgorithmPointBased::UpdateTranslationMatrix( int clusterIndex )
    double membershipSum = 0,outcome = 0;
    double currentPower = 0;
    Eigen::MatrixXd outcomePoint = Eigen::MatrixXd(2,1);
    outcomePoint << 0,0;
    Eigen::MatrixXd templatePoint;
    for (int i=0;i< imageDataVector.size();i++)
        currentPower =0; 
        membershipSum += currentPower = pow(membershipMatrix[clusterIndex][i],m);
        outcomePoint.noalias() +=  (*imageDataVector[i] - (prototypeVector[clusterIndex]->rotationMatrix*prototypeVector[clusterIndex]->scalingMatrix* ( *templateCluster->templatePointVector[prototypeVector[clusterIndex]->assosiatedPointIndexVector[i]]) ))*currentPower ;

    outcomePoint.noalias() = outcomePoint/=membershipSum;
    return outcomePoint; //.ConvertToMatrix();

As You can see, these functions performs a lot of matrix operations. That is why I thought using Eigen would speed up my application. Unfortunately (as I mentioned above), the program works slower.

Is there any way to speed up these functions?

Maybe if I used DirectX matrix operations I would get better performance ?? (however I have a laptop with integrated graphic card).

like image 819
george Avatar asked May 31 '11 21:05


4 Answers

Make sure to have compiler optimization switched on (e.g. at least -O2 on gcc). Eigen is heavily templated and will not perform very well if you don't turn on optimization.

like image 151
Jakob Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 16:11


Which version of Eigen are you using? They recently released 3.0.1, which is supposed to be faster than 2.x. Also, make sure you play a bit with the compiler options. For example, make sure SSE is being used in Visual Studio:

C/C++ --> Code Generation --> Enable Enhanced Instruction Set

like image 39
Bob Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 15:11


If you're using Eigen's MatrixXd types, those are dynamically sized. You should get much better results from using the fixed size types e.g Matrix4d, Vector4d.

Also, make sure you're compiling such that the code can get vectorized; see the relevant Eigen documentation.

Re your thought on using the Direct3D extensions library stuff (D3DXMATRIX etc): it's OK (if a bit old fashioned) for graphics geometry (4x4 transforms etc), but it's certainly not GPU accelerated (just good old SSE, I think). Also, note that it's floating point precision only (you seem to be set on using doubles). Personally I'd much prefer to use Eigen unless I was actually coding a Direct3D app.

like image 12
timday Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 14:11


You should profile and then optimize first the algorithm, then the implementation. In particular, the posted code is quite innefficient:

for (int i=0;i<pointVector.size();i++ )
   Eigen::MatrixXd outcome = (rotation*scale)* (*pointVector[i])  + translation;

I don't know the library, so I won't even try to guess the number of unnecessary temporaries that you are creating, but a simple refactor:

Eigen::MatrixXd tmp = rotation*scale;
for (int i=0;i<pointVector.size();i++ )
   Eigen::MatrixXd outcome = tmp*(*pointVector[i])  + translation;

Can save you a good amount of expensive multiplications (and again, probably new temporary matrices that get discarded right away.

like image 9
David Rodríguez - dribeas Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 15:11

David Rodríguez - dribeas