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Working with bitmap in WPF





Is there any sane way to work with bitmaps in WPF? I'd like similar functionality as System.Drawing.Bitmap: be able to load image from file and get and set the color of particular pixels.

I know about WriteableBitmap, but I don't want to work with Arrays of gods-know-what (I couldn't find that on MSDN), or pointers. I just want to read or write pixel, it shouldn't be that hard!

I also know that I can use Interop to work with System.Drawing.Bitmap in WPF, but that's not nice either.

like image 504
svick Avatar asked Nov 15 '09 21:11


1 Answers

Here's something on how to do get pixel info from a System.Windows.Media.Imaging.BitmapImage.

Although, if you'd prefer to work with a System.Drawing.Bitmap you might want to add a reference to System.Drawing.dll and use it instead.

Here's a somewhat-related forum post on image manipulation in WPF.

like image 123
IV. Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 13:10