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Working with a big CSV file in MATLAB

I have to work with a big CSV file, up to 2GB. More specifically I have to upload all this data to the mySQL database, but before I have to make a few calculation on that, so I need to do all this thing in MATLAB (also my supervisor want to do in MATLAB because he familiar just with MATLAB :( ).

Any idea how can I handle these big files?

like image 635
OHLÁLÁ Avatar asked Apr 18 '11 12:04


1 Answers

You should probably use textscan to read the data in in chunks and then process. This will probably be more efficient than reading a single line at a time. For example, if you have 3 columns of data, you could do:

filename = 'fname.csv';
[fh, errMsg] = fopen( filename, 'rt' );
if fh == -1, error( 'couldn''t open file: %s: %s', filename, errMsg ); end
N  = 100; % read 100 rows at a time
while ~feof( fh )
  c  = textscan( fh, '%f %f %f', N, 'Delimiter', ',' );


These days (R2014b and later), it's easier and probably more efficient to use a datastore.

like image 74
Edric Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 19:10
