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Working copy XXX locked and cleanup failed in SVN

People also ask

Why is SVN locked?

The . svn locking information may have become corrupt and performing an svn cleanup on the local working copy may resolve this issue. Installing TortoiseSVN and restarting enables a cleanup option in the right-click menu of the local working copy (the parent folder that contains the .

What is SVN working copy?

A Subversion working copy is your own private working area, which looks like any other ordinary directory on your system. It contains a COPY of those files which you will have been editing on the website. You can edit these files however you wish, in the usual way.

One approach would be to:

  1. Copy edited items to another location.
  2. Delete the folder containing the problem path.
  3. Update the containing folder through Subversion.
  4. Copy your files back or merge changes as needed.
  5. Commit

Another option would be to delete the top level folder and check out again. Hopefully it doesn't come to that though.

For me, the trick was to run svn cleanup at the top of my working copy, not in the folder where I'd been working the whole time before the problem occurred.

Look in your .svn folder, there will be a file in it called lock. Delete that file and you will be able to update. There may be more lock files in the .svn directory of each subdirectory. They will need deleting also. This could be done as a batch quite simply from the command line with e.g.

find . -name 'lock' -exec rm -v {} \;

Note that you are manually editing files in the .svn folder. They have been put there for a reason. That reason might be a mistake, but if not you could be damaging your local copy.

SOURCE : http://www.svnforum.org/2017/viewtopic.php?p=6068

In my case I solved it by manually deleting a record in the SQLite ".svn\wc" file lock record in the WC_LOCK table.

I opened the "WC" file with SQLite editor and executed

delete from WC_LOCK

screenshot showing all entries purged from WC_LOCK

Following eakkas's comment, you might need to delete all the entries from WORK_QUEUE table as well.