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Workflow Foundation for Scheduled Process

Is Workflow Foundation a good option for creating a scheduled process for a customer rebilling solution? The process needs to run daily and interact with a data layer as well as a web service. In the past, I have defaulted to using SSIS and either a Scheduled Task or SQL Server Agent job to handle the scheduling.

Any input is appreciated.

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dotariel Avatar asked Oct 14 '22 00:10


1 Answers

On Channel 9 (endpoint.tv) there are two webcasts that address a scenario where Workflow Foundation is used for a batch job implementation.

  • Workflow Services as a Batch Job
  • AppFabric AutoStart and WF4 Batch Job Example

I have used WF myself for some simple scheduled processes inside a Windows service and I must say that I'm very satisfied with the result.

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Ronald Wildenberg Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 14:10

Ronald Wildenberg