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Workaround for missing UIBarButtonItem's TouchUp event

using a UIButton allows me to catch TouchUpInside and TouchUpOutside events to know when the user releases the button with his finger.

UIBarButtonItem doesn't have any events/notifications to be used in this manner.

Does anyone know a nice workaround to know when a UIBarButtonItem is physically released? Is there a way to use an UIButton in a UIToolBar with the same "design" and behavior like a UIBarButtonItem?


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Boris Avatar asked Jul 30 '10 08:07


1 Answers

    IBOutlet UIBarButtonItem *barButton;

- (void)viewDidLoad
  barButton.action = @selector(onBarButtonTap);


- (IBAction)onBarButtonTap
  NSLog( @"BarButton Taped" );
like image 177
Alex Koff Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 13:10

Alex Koff