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Work around for vector<bool>, use basic_string<bool>?



Is this a safe workaround? I want to use vector bool but need to pass a pointer to old code expecting C-style array.

typedef std::basic_string<bool> vector_bool;

int main()
    vector_bool ab;
    bool *b = &ab[0];
    b[1] = false;

Edit: Thanks for suggestions of other solutions, but I would really like a definite answer on my above solution. Thanks.

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Neil Kirk Avatar asked Mar 07 '13 14:03

Neil Kirk

2 Answers

I'm not sure about std::basic_string<bool> because that will instantiate std::char_traits<bool> and I'm not sure if the standard requires that to be defined, or if the char_traits primary template can be left undefined, with only explicit specializations such as char_traits<char> being defined. You're not allowed to provide your own specialization of char_traits<bool> because you can only specialize standard templates if the specialization depends on a user-defined type, which bool obviously isn't. That said, it might work if your stdlib does have a default char_traits definition, and you don't try to use an string operations that require members of char_traits to do anything useful.

Alternatively, this is hacky but might work:

struct boolish { bool value; };
inline boolish make_boolish(bool b) { boolish bish = { b }; return bish; }

std::vector<boolish> b;
b.push_back( make_boolish(true) );
bool* ptr = &b.front().value;

boolish is a trivial type, so as long as an array of boolish has the same representation as an array of bool (which you'd need to check for your compiler, I used a static_assert to check there is no padding) then you might get away with it, although it probably violates the aliasing rules because *ptr and *++ptr are not part of the same array, so incrementing the pointer doesn't point to the next boolish::value it points "past the end" of the previous one (even if those two locations actually have the same address, although [basic.compound]/3 does seem to say that ++ptr does "point to" the next bool).

The syntax gets a bit easier with C++11, you don't need make_boolish ...

#include <vector>
#include <assert.h>

struct boolish { bool value; };

int main()
  std::vector<boolish> vec(10);
  vec.push_back( boolish{true} );
  bool* ptr = &vec.front().value;
  assert( ptr[10] == true );
  ptr[3] = true;
  assert( vec[3].value == true );

  static_assert( sizeof(boolish) == sizeof(bool), "" );
  boolish test[10];
  static_assert( sizeof(test) == (sizeof(bool)*10), "" );
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Jonathan Wakely Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 19:11

Jonathan Wakely

From "Working Draft C++, 2012-11-02"

21.1 General [strings.general]
1 This Clause describes components for manipulating sequences of any non-array POD (3.9) type.

21.4.1 basic_string general requirements [string.require]
5 The char-like objects in a basic_string object shall be stored contiguously. That is, for any basic_string object s, the identity &*(s.begin() + n) == &*s.begin() + n shall hold for all values of n such that 0 <= n < s.size().


6 References, pointers, and iterators referring to the elements of a basic_string sequence may be invalidated by the following uses of that basic_string object:
— as an argument to any standard library function taking a reference to non-const basic_string as an argument.233
— Calling non-const member functions, except operator[], at, front, back, begin, rbegin, end, and rend.

So, you should be safe as long as you pay attention, not to call these functions, while you use the raw array somewhere else.


Character traits and requirements are described in 21.2 Character traits [char.traits] and 21.2.1 Character traits requirements [char.traits.require]. Additionally, typedefs and specializations are described in 21.2.2 traits typedefs [char.traits.typedefs] and 21.2.3 char_traits specializations [char.traits.specializations] respectively.

These traits are used in the Input/output library as well. So there are requirements, like eof() or pos_type and off_type, which don't make sense in the context of basic_string.

I don't see any requirement for these traits to be actually defined by an implementatin, besides the four specializations for char, char16_t, char32_t and wchar_t.

Although, it worked out of the box with gcc 4.7 with your example, I defined a minimal bool_traits with just

struct bool_traits {
    typedef bool char_type;
    static void assign(char_type &r, char_type d);
    static char_type *copy(char_type *s, const char_type *p, std::size_t n);
    static char_type *move(char_type *s, const char_type *p, std::size_t n);

took the default implementation provided (gcc 4.7), and used that like

std::basic_string<bool, bool_traits> ab;

Your environment might already provide a working implementation. If not, you can implement a simple bool_traits or a template specialization std::char_traits<bool> yourself.

You can see the complete interface for character traits in the Working Draft, PDF or at cppreference.com - std::char_traits.

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Olaf Dietsche Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 20:11

Olaf Dietsche