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Wordpress shows I have 1 plugin update, when all plugins are already updated

So I've searched on the forums and although I found a few people with a problem similar to mine, I still haven't found a way to get this fixed. What's going on is that WordPress shows that I have 1 plugin update, when all of my plugins are updated. Below is an imgur link of a screenshot so you can see what I'm talking about:


Now, I've tried several things, including reinstalling WP, and deleting the transients using Artiss Transient Cleaner, yet nothing seems to work. Any ideas on what could possibly be causing this rogue/ghost "plugin" to be requesting an update when there is none? Thanks and I appreciate your help.

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djoliverm Avatar asked Mar 03 '14 02:03


People also ask

How do I force WordPress to update plugins?

To force automatic updates, you need to switch to Advanced tab under Update Options page and click on the 'Force updates' button. For more detailed instructions on updating WordPress plugins, please see our guide on how to better manage automatic WordPress updates.

How do I update all plugins?

If there are updates for several plugins on your website, then you may want to quickly review and bulk update those plugins. To do that, you need to visit the Plugins » Installed Plugins page and click on the 'Update Available' link. This will show you the list of all plugins that have updates available.

Should you update all plugins on WordPress?

WordPress Plugins need to be updated because keeping old versions is opening the door for hackers to break in. This not only compromises your site's security and creates unnecessary headaches. The same goes for plugins, but the problems don't stop there. Plugins can stop working altogether when they're not updated.

2 Answers

I see this from time to time with premium plugins and themes that require an activation key. The WP UI won't provide anyway to update the plugin or theme, but you'll see the pending update count number in the UI.

To track down the source I use the following function:

/**  * Debug Pending Updates  *  * Crude debugging method that will spit out all pending plugin  * and theme updates for admin level users when ?debug_updates is  * added to a /wp-admin/ URL.  */ function debug_pending_updates() {      // Rough safety nets     if ( ! is_user_logged_in() || ! current_user_can( 'manage_options' ) ) return;     if ( ! isset( $_GET['debug_updates'] ) ) return;      $output = "";      // Check plugins     $plugin_updates = get_site_transient( 'update_plugins' );     if ( $plugin_updates && ! empty( $plugin_updates->response ) ) {         foreach ( $plugin_updates->response as $plugin => $details ) {             $output .= "<p><strong>Plugin</strong> <u>$plugin</u> is reporting an available update.</p>";         }     }      // Check themes     wp_update_themes();     $theme_updates = get_site_transient( 'update_themes' );     if ( $theme_updates && ! empty( $theme_updates->response ) ) {         foreach ( $theme_updates->response as $theme => $details ) {             $output .= "<p><strong>Theme</strong> <u>$theme</u> is reporting an available update.</p>";         }     }      if ( empty( $output ) ) $output = "No pending updates found in the database.";      wp_die( $output ); } add_action( 'init', 'debug_pending_updates' ); 

Add that to your theme's functions.php file then visit a page with ?debug_updates added to the URL. For example: yourdomain.com/wp-admin/?debug_updates. This should show you any theme or plugin that's causing the issue.

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Kevin Leary Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 08:10

Kevin Leary

I had this issue, and it was that a new translation was available (which is not obvious from the Updates page, you have to go into Update Translations at the bottom);

enter image description here

after updating the transations... the warning was gone;

enter image description here

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Tom Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 08:10
