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Check for access to notifications using NotificationListenerService

I'm using the >=4.3 NotificationListenerService to access notifications. On the first start, my app takes the user to the "Access Notifications" system panel, but I'd like to take the user there whenever the checkbox for my app in "Access Notifications" is disabled. I haven't found a isNotificationAccessEnabled()-method anywhere, but I definitely know that it's possible because apps like Krome do this, too.

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Nick Avatar asked Aug 07 '13 07:08


People also ask

How do I get the notification listener service?

To use NotificationListenerService, we need to create a java file which extends NotificationListenerService and implement two callback methods. Both methods have a parameter named “sbn”, which is an object of StatusBarNotification class. StatusBarNotification provides necessary information about Notifications.

1 Answers

Edit June 15th, 2016

I'm not sure which version of the support library this was added to, but it looks like this functionality is now built in. Simply use:

NotificationManagerCompat.getEnabledListenerPackages(context); (link to docs)

This returns a Set<String> that you can iterate through to find your package name. Note however that I haven't personally tested this. But it looks like it's probably preferred to use this in place of my old solution below.

Old Solution

This code is working for my app:

ContentResolver contentResolver = context.getContentResolver(); String enabledNotificationListeners = Settings.Secure.getString(contentResolver, "enabled_notification_listeners"); String packageName = context.getPackageName();  // check to see if the enabledNotificationListeners String contains our package name if (enabledNotificationListeners == null || !enabledNotificationListeners.contains(packageName)) {     // in this situation we know that the user has not granted the app the Notification access permission     throw new Exception(); } else {     doSomethingThatRequiresNotificationAccessPermission(); } 

Typical values that I've seen for the enabledNotificationsListeners String look like this:

  • User has given none of their apps Notification access permission
    • null or ""
  • User has given one app Notification access permission
    • "com.woodblockwithoutco.remotecontrollerexample/com.woodblockwithoutco.remotecontrollerexample.RemoteControlService"
  • User has given two apps Notification access permission
    • "com.scootrnova.android/com.scootrnova.android.ListenerService:com.woodblockwithoutco.remotecontrollerexample/com.woodblockwithoutco.remotecontrollerexample.RemoteControlService"

This implementation is very straightforward and works great :)

P.S. I got the idea to use the hardcoded "enabled_notification_listeners" String from this answer.

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Charles Madere Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 20:10

Charles Madere