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Wont Let Me Type In My Pass Phrase



Not real information:

$ ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "[email protected]" Generating public/private rsa key pair. Enter file in which to save the key (/c/Users/Tekkub/.ssh/id_rsa):


I entered a file name here. Not sure if i should have,

Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):

I am stuck here. I type and it doesnt work

like image 732
Tapha Avatar asked Mar 29 '10 19:03


People also ask

Why can I not type in my password?

1] Check for a lock button on the keyboard or laptop Some keyboards offer a lock button that could disable the keyboard input. On laptops, there is usually a button in the side or top corner. If you turn it off, the keyboard input should start working, and you can see the inputs in the password box.

Why won't my laptop let me type in my password?

Method 1: Restart your computer Many computer woes can be solved by a simple restart. If you are unable to type the password at the login screen, try to restart Windows 10 by clicking the Shutdown button in the lower right corner of the screen. Sometimes, the Shutdown button may be greyed out for some reason.

How do you enter a passphrase for a key?

$ ssh-keygen -p -f ~/.ssh/id_ed25519 > Enter old passphrase: [Type old passphrase] > Key has comment '[email protected]' > Enter new passphrase (empty for no passphrase): [Type new passphrase] > Enter same passphrase again: [Repeat the new passphrase] > Your identification has been saved with the new passphrase.

Why won't my HP computer let me type in my password?

Restart the notebook. Right-click Start ( ), select Shut down or sign out, then select Restart. Wait for the computer to restart and open Windows. The keyboard should now work correctly.

2 Answers

Okay, just assuming this might be the answer:

Passwords normally don't show up in the console when you type them. That is intended. Just type your password, hit enter and repeat. It will work.

like image 162
xmjx Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 01:10



Thats why ssh comes with a program called ssh-agent which caches your passphrase. (Okay it actually caches the decrypted key, not the passphrase, same result) That way you can have a passphrase on your key and still not have to type it each time.

like image 26
NUXI Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 00:10