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Do you version control the invidual apps or the whole project or both?

OK, so I have a Django project. I was wondering if I'm supposed to put each app in its own git repository, or is it better to just put the whole project into a git repository, or whether I should have a git repo for each app and also a git repo for the project?


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rick Avatar asked Jun 09 '09 01:06


People also ask

What should be version controlled?

Version control should be used where more than one version of a document exists, or where this is likely to be the case in the future. finalised version is complete. This would be titled version 1.0. If version 1.0 is to be revised, drafts would be numbered as 1.1, 1.2, etc.

What is version control you use in the current project?

Version control is a method of tracking changes to documents and files to always know which version is the current iteration. It also enables you to maintain old versions in case you want to see what's changed or need to restore a previous version.

What are two approaches to version control?

There are two types of version control: centralized and distributed.

1 Answers

It really depends on whether those reusable apps are actually going to be reused outside of the project or not?

The only reason you might need it in a different repo is if other projects with seperate repos might need to use it. But you can always split it out later. Making a git repo is cheap so it's one of those things you can do later if it becomes necessary. Making things complicated up front is just going to frustrate you later so feel free to wait till you know it's necessary

YAGNI it's for more than just code.

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Jeremy Wall Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 17:09

Jeremy Wall