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How to loop dictionary with multiple values in Jinja?

I have a dictionary like so: {'a': [Object, 0], 'b': [Object, 1] } Where object is an actual object with multiple attributes. I'm trying to a check on each key to see if the second value in the array is a 0 or 1. If it is a 1, then I'll display "Hello" if it's a 0, I'll display "Goodbye" Here's what I have so far that doesn't seem to work:

{% for key in follower_list %}
   {% if follower_list[key][1] == 0 %}
   {% else %}
{% endif %}

Here, follower_list is the dictionary. I'm getting an error by my IDE saying operator expected where follower_list[key][1] is there a way I can do this type of logic in Jinja?

like image 657
user2896120 Avatar asked Aug 12 '18 23:08


1 Answers

Use iteritems to iterate through your dictionary:

{% for key, value in follower_list.items %}
    {% if value.1 == 0 %}
    {% else %}
{% endfor %}

Check this docs.

like image 129
Lev Zakharov Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 21:09

Lev Zakharov