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WIX invoking Batch file in InstallExecution Sequence

I am new to WIX and I am trying to invoke a batch file from my WIX installer. MyBatch.bat contains a simple Copy of a Text file from c:\ to D:\

I am unable to invoke the batch file. Below is my code.

Please help me out.

  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <Wix xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/2006/wi">
  <?define ProductName='Test Product' ?>
  <?define ProductVersion='' ?>
  <?define ProductCode='b7bc7c6f-9a4e-4973-be84-eca8e3427c97'?>
  <?define UpgradeCode='06a81104-1e30-463d-87e1-e8a79b4c682a'?>
  <?define Manufacturer='Respond'?>
  <Product Id="$(var.ProductCode)" Language="1033" Version='$(var.ProductVersion)' Name='Respond'
  Manufacturer='$(var.Manufacturer)' UpgradeCode='$(var.UpgradeCode)'>
    <Package InstallerVersion='200' Compressed='yes' />
    <Media Cabinet='media1.cab' EmbedCab='yes' Id ='1' />
    <Directory Id="TARGETDIR" Name="SourceDir">
      <Directory Id='ProgramFilesFolder'>
        <Directory Id='INSTALLDIR' Name='$(var.ProductName)'>
          <Component Id='ProductComponent' Guid='b11556a2-e066-4393-af5c-9c9210187eb2'>
            <File Id='Calc' DiskId='1' Source='C:\WINDOWS\system32\calc.exe'/>
            <File Id='my_batch_script' Name='MyBatch.bat' DiskId='1' Source='MyBatch.bat'   />
      <Directory Id='ProgramMenuFolder'>
        <Directory Id='ApplicationProgramsFolder' Name='$(var.ProductName)'>
          <Component Id='MainExecutable' Guid='EDED00D8-2465-46CA-86D6-B20DE921EFA6'>
            <Shortcut Id='ShortcutCalc' Description='$(var.ProductName)' Name ='Calculator of Windows'
            Target='[INSTALLLOCATION]Calc.exe' WorkingDirectory='INSTALLLOCATION'/>
            <RemoveFolder Id='ApplicationProgramsFolder' On='uninstall'/>
            <RegistryValue Root='HKCU' Key='Software\$(var.Manufacturer)\$(var.ProductName)' Type ='multiString'
            Name='installed' Value='1' KeyPath='yes'/>

    <Feature Title='SetupProject1' Level='1' Id ='AppFeature'>
      <ComponentRef Id='ProductComponent' Primary='yes'/>
      <ComponentRef Id='MainExecutable'/>

    <Property Id='WIXUI_INSTALLDIR' Value='INSTALLDIR' ></Property>
    <WixVariable Id='WixUILicenseRtf' Overridable='yes' Value='License.rtf'/>
    <?include CustomActions.wxi?>
      <?include UISequence.wxi?>
      <?include Dialogs.wxi?>

    <CustomAction Id="BatchCmd" Property="ThePath" Value="[INSTALLDIR]MyBatch.bat" />
    <CustomAction Id="BatchRun" Property="ThePath" ExeCommand='"[INSTALLDIR]MyBatch.bat"' Return='asyncWait' Impersonate="yes"/>

      <Custom Action="BatchCmd" After="InstallFiles" >Not Installed </Custom>
      <Custom Action="BatchRun" After="BatchCmd">Not Installed </Custom>

like image 936
Girish Avatar asked Mar 05 '12 08:03


3 Answers

This worked for me.

<CustomAction Id="test"
    Directory="INSTALLDIR" Execute="deferred" Return="asyncWait"/>

    <Custom Action="test" After="InstallFiles">NOT Installed</Custom>
like image 129
Girish Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 04:09


It seems you're solving your problem with the wrong tool. If the file to copy is a part of your application, you should author a Component with this File inside. Otherwise, if you need just to copy some external file already present on a target system, you should author a CopyFile element, nesting it under Component element.

like image 30
Yan Sklyarenko Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 04:09

Yan Sklyarenko

I agree with Yan, you solve your task the wrong way.

As for batch files, they are not executed on its own like an .exe, it is cmd.exe which reads the bat file and executes it line by line.

To run a batch file, you should run it this way:

cmd.exe /c batch.bat
like image 1
Alexey Ivanov Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 04:09

Alexey Ivanov