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WiX burn Upgrade shows uninstall UI at the end

I am trying to create a custom UI for WiX and Burn. I'm almost done except one thing. In the end of installation which is upgrading(for exaple 1.0.0 to 1.1.0) uninstall for the previous version starts and the UI of it shows. My question is how should I handle this so the user doesn't see uninstall UI in the end.

like image 855
Daniel Filipov Avatar asked Feb 10 '23 04:02

Daniel Filipov

1 Answers

When performing an upgrade of a Burn-based installer, the process will upgrade each of the MSIs bundled inside the installer, then it will uninstall the previous version's bundle using the commandline arguments -uninstall -quiet -burn.related.upgrade -burn.embedded (and a bunch of other stuff). If you're writing a your custom UI in .NET, that will present itself in the WiX BootstrapperApplication base class with these property values:

  • Command.Action property as LaunchAction.Uninstall
  • Command.Display property of None or Embedded

When the Command.Display is set to None or Embedded, your custom UI will need to hide itself (ie: don't display a UI). My guess is that you're currently not hiding the UI in this scenario, which is why it's displaying during the upgrade.

like image 191
John M. Wright Avatar answered Feb 17 '23 00:02

John M. Wright