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With Silverlight disappearing from Chrome 45, what are my alternatives?

Since Chrome 45 will drop NPAPI support in september and with it Silverlight, what would be my alternatives beside using another browser ? I would really need to still support Chrome with my application and can't force the user to not update their main browser.

Could I use a chrome extension ?

Could I make them install an out of date Chrome alongside an updated one ?

What else ?

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Simon ML Avatar asked Apr 16 '15 20:04

Simon ML

People also ask

Is Silverlight needed in Chrome?

Microsoft Silverlight Although Silverlight is no longer supported by Microsoft, Silverlight is still required to be installed on your PC. To confirm if Silverlight is installed, use the desktop search function (the image below is on a Windows 10 computer) and search for Silverlight.

How do I get Microsoft Silverlight to work on Chrome?

You must use a browser that supports Silverlight content to access a Silverlight page. To work around this issue on versions 42 to 44 of Chrome, follow these steps: On the address bar in Chrome, type chrome://flags/#enable-npapi . In the Enable NPAPI Mac, Windows box, click Enable.

1 Answers

Well it seems there is a solution ! I have tried IETab with Chrome Canary (v45) and the dev channel (v46) and even with Silverlight support dropped from those version, the extension allows my application to work flawlessly !

I have reached the support of IETab and they have confirmed Silverlight will continue to work with their plugin when Chrome officialy release version 45.

Try it out : https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ie-tab/hehijbfgiekmjfkfjpbkbammjbdenadd?hl=en

EDIT : As of today, September 3 2015, Chrome 45 is out and IETab still works.

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Simon ML Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 13:09

Simon ML