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With Golang Templates how can I set a variable in each template?




How can I set a variable in each template that I can use in other templates e.g.

{{ set title "Title" }}

in one template then in my layout

<title> {{ title }} </title>

Then when it's rendered

tmpl, _ := template.ParseFiles("layout.html", "home.html")

it will set the title according to whatever was set in home.html instead of having to make a struct for each view page when it isn't really necessary. I hope I made sense, thanks.

Just for clarification:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>{{ title }} </title>


{{ set Title "Home" . }}
<h1> {{ Title }} Page </h1>
like image 845
Datsik Avatar asked Jun 03 '15 01:06


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1 Answers

If you want to use the Value in another template you can pipeline it to the dot:

{{with $title := "SomeTitle"}}
{{$title}} <--prints the value on the page
{{template "body" .}}

body template:

{{define "body"}}
<h1>{{.}}</h1> <--prints "SomeTitle" again

As far as i know it is not possible to go upwards in the chain. So layout.html gets rendered before home.html, so you cant pass a value back.

In your example it would be the best solution to use a struct and pass it from the layout.html to the home.html using the dot:


package main

import (

type WebData struct {
    Title string

func homeHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    tmpl, _ := template.ParseFiles("layout.html", "home.html")
    wd := WebData{
        Title: "Home",
    tmpl.Execute(w, &wd)

func pageHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    tmpl, _ := template.ParseFiles("layout.html", "page.html")
    wd := WebData{
        Title: "Page",
    tmpl.Execute(w, &wd)

func main() {
    http.HandleFunc("/home", homeHandler)
    http.HandleFunc("/page", pageHandler)
    http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil)


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>{{.Title}} </title>
    {{template "body" .}}


{{define "body"}}
<h1>home.html {{.Title}}</h1>


{{define "body"}}
<h1>page.html {{.Title}}</h1>

Also go has a nice documentation on how to use templates:


like image 63
stonith Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 06:09
