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Winforms: SuspendLayout/ResumeLayout is not enough?

I have a library of a few "custom controls". Essentially we have our own buttons, rounder corner panels, and a few groupboxes with some custom paint. Despite the "math" in the OnPaint methods, the controls are pretty standard. Most of the time, all we do is draw the rounded corners and add gradient to the background. We use GDI+ for all that.

These controls are ok (and very nice looking according to our customers), however and despite the DoubleBuffer, you can see some redrawing, especially when there are 20++ buttons (for example) on the same form. On form load you see the buttons drawing… which is annoying.

I'm pretty sure that our buttons are not the fastest thing on earth but my question is: if double buffer is "on", shouldn't all that redraw happen in background and the Windows subsystem should show the results "instantly" ?

On the other hand, if there's "complex" foreach loop that will create labels, add them to a panel (double buffered) and change their properties, if we suspendlayout of the panel before the loop and resume layout of the panel when the loop is over, shouldn't all these controls (labels and buttons) appear "almost instantly"? This doesn't happen like that, you can see the panel being filled.

Any idea why this is not happening? I know it's hard to evaluate without sample code but that's hard to replicate too. I could make a video with a camera, but trust me on this one, it's not fast :)

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Martin Marconcini Avatar asked May 07 '09 14:05

Martin Marconcini

2 Answers

We've seen this problem too.

One way we've seen to "fix" it is to completely suspend drawing of the control until we're ready to go. To accomplish this, we send the WM_SETREDRAW message to the control:

// Note that WM_SetRedraw = 0XB  // Suspend drawing. UnsafeSharedNativeMethods.SendMessage(handle, WindowMessages.WM_SETREDRAW, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero);  ...  // Resume drawing. UnsafeSharedNativeMethods.SendMessage(handle, WindowMessages.WM_SETREDRAW, new IntPtr(1), IntPtr.Zero); 
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Judah Gabriel Himango Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 18:09

Judah Gabriel Himango

One of the things you should look at is whether you have set BackColor=Transparent on any of the child controls of your panels. The BackColor=Transparent will significantly degrade rendering performance especially if parent panels are using gradients.

Windows Forms does not use real transparency, rather it is uses "fake" one. Each child control paint call generates paint call on parent so parent can paint its background over which the child control paints its content so it appears transparent.

So if you have 50 child controls that will generate additional 50 paint calls on parent control for background painting. And since gradients are generally slower you will see performance degradation.

Hope this helps.

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DevComponents - Denis Basaric Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 18:09

DevComponents - Denis Basaric