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Windows Service Setup Project

I’m trying to create a set-up project for a windows service. I’ve followed this tutorial and many others like it but, after installing my service, I still can’t see the service. I’ve added the primary output of the service to the application directory and created a custom action to include this output on Install, Commit, Rollback and Uninstall.

It claims that it installs correctly.

Should this work? Is there anything else that I can try to get this to install?

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Paul Michaels Avatar asked Apr 13 '11 14:04

Paul Michaels

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How do I install project installer for Windows Service?

With the designer in focus, right-click, and then click Add Installer. A new class, ProjectInstaller , and two installation components, ServiceProcessInstaller and ServiceInstaller, are added to your project, and property values for the service are copied to the components.

How do I configure Windows services?

Press the keys Windows logo+R to open the “Run” dialog. Enter services. msc to open the Window services configuration tool. Configure each new Windows service following the steps of the section above.

1 Answers

Did you create an installer for your service? It is separate from a Setup Project.

See: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.serviceprocess.serviceinstaller.aspx

You can create an Installer by right-clicking on your service's Design window and selecting Add Installer.

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dhirschl Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 23:10
