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Windows Phone 8 template in Visual Studio 2013 Preview

I am running Windows 8 x64 and have Visual Studio 2012 with the latest update and Visual Studio 2013 preview (latest update) installed. I also have the Windows Phone SDK for Windows Phone 8 development on Visual Studio 2012.

I have read somewhere online that there is no SDK required for Windows Phone 8 on Visual Studio 2013. But Where is the new phone project option?

enter image description here

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JP Hellemons Avatar asked Aug 07 '13 09:08

JP Hellemons

3 Answers

Found it, had to modify my vs2013 installation... (stupid me) Is it an idea to leave this online for the community? (if I forget it again, and cannot find a source online lol!)

enter image description here

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JP Hellemons Avatar answered Nov 19 '22 21:11

JP Hellemons

For future references, I installed the Visual Studio 2013 Professional edition where the Windows Phone 8.0 SDK apparently wasn't included in the default installation. I browsed to the Windows Phone Dev Center to download the SDK but this way doesn't integrate with Visual Studio 2013 as well - it surprisingly put Visual Studio 2012 Express edition on the PC...

The only way to be able to incorperate the Windows Phone SDK is by modifying the installation of Visual Studio 2013, just as the OP states.

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M. Mimpen Avatar answered Nov 19 '22 23:11

M. Mimpen

If you are on Windows 7, you won't see the option to install the Windows Phone 8 SDK. It requires Windows 8 or later, 64 bit.

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Jeremy Thompson Avatar answered Nov 19 '22 21:11

Jeremy Thompson