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Download windows phone sdk 8 offline

I just installed Visual Studio 2012 express edition on my Windows 8 machine.

Now I wanted to install the Windows 8 Phone's SDK, I know it can be downloaded from here : http://dev.windowsphone.com/en-us/downloadsdk

But this link only download a setup which in turns downloads the files, I wanted to know if there is any full sdk download available which I can download and use.

I am planning to use my office connection to download these files and then install it on my home PC.

Any thoughts ?

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Yasser Shaikh Avatar asked Jan 17 '13 17:01

Yasser Shaikh

1 Answers

It's subtle, but go to the Windows Phone SDK 8.0 Download page. At the end of the Instructions section you'll see:

Note: this release is also available in .iso format. Choose one of the following options for handling downloaded ISO images:

   • (Recommended) Write the image file to a blank DVD. 
   • (Alternative) Mount the image file virtually as DVD devices.

Update :
Just to add to the answer, I used Microsoft Download Manager to download this sdk which was around 1.6 GB in size.

The Microsoft Download Manager enables you to download files simply and easily. It also makes downloading large files such as application and multimedia files quick and reliable.

like image 153
Jim O'Neil Avatar answered Jan 20 '23 15:01

Jim O'Neil