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Windows 8.1 gets Error 720 on connect VPN [closed]

I use windows 8.1 64-bit on my machine and recently, without having installed any new application, I get the following error when connecting to VPN: Error 720: Unable to establish a connection to the remote computer. Might need to change the network settings for this connection.

Tenentei already follow several tutorials but in no've succeeded.

Example configuration that tried to accomplish: http://en.remontka.pro/error-720-windows-8-and-8-1-solved/


like image 443
user2705861 Avatar asked Aug 11 '14 14:08


People also ask

Which has failed the error code returned on failure is 720 VPN?

Error 720 : ERROR_PPP_NO_PROTOCOLS_CONFIGURED typically occurs if the WAN Miniport (IP) adapter is not bound correctly on your PC. This is true even though the WAN Miniport (IP) adapter might look healthy when you examine the Network adapters node in Device Manager.

Does Windows 8.1 have a built in VPN?

In Windows 8, you can use the Get Connected Wizard to create a VPN profile. To launch the wizard, type vpn in Settings, and then click Set up a virtual private network (VPN) connection.

1 Answers

Since I can't find a complete or clear answer on this issue, and since it's the second time that I use this post to fix my problems, I post my solution:

why 720? 720 is the error code for connection attempt fail, because your computer and the remote computer could not agree on PPP control protocol, I don't know exactly why it happens, but I think that is all about registry permission for installers and multiple miniport driver install made by vpn installers that are not properly programmed for win 8.1.


  1. check write permissions on registers

    a. download a Process Monitor http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us//sysinternals/bb896645.aspx and run it

    b. Use registry as target and set the filters to check witch registers aren't writable for netsh: "Process Name is 'netsh.exe'" and "result is 'ACCESS DENIED'", then get a command prompt with admin permissions and type netsh int ipv4 reset reset.log

    c. for each registry key logged by the process monitor as not accessible, go to registers using regedit anche change these permissions to "complete access"

    d. run the following command netsh int ipv6 reset reset.log and repeat step c)

  2. unistall all not-working miniports

    a. go to device managers (windows+x -> device manager)

    b. for each not-working miniport (the ones with yellow mark): update driver -> show non-compatible driver -> select another driver (eg. generic broadband adapter)

    c. unistall these not working devices

    d. reboot your computer

    e. Repeat steps a) - d) until you will not see any yellow mark on miniports

  3. delete your vpn connection and create a new one.

that worked for me (2 times, one after my first vpn connection on win 8.1, then when I reinstalled a cisco client and tried to use windows vpn again)




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pastorello Avatar answered Nov 02 '22 23:11
