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Windows 10 Universal App - Type exists in both "Windows.Foundation.UniversalApiContract"

somehow (I have not even done anything) I get many erros in Visual Studio 2015 but I cant understand what the problem really is.

It says that a lot of "types" exists in both "Windows.Foundation.UniversalApiContract" libraries.

Can somebody help me? What can I do to rescue my solution and my project? I've tried to clean and rebuild it sometimes and this doesn't helped.

Errors in Visual Studio 2015

like image 934
Maximus1809 Avatar asked Jul 02 '15 13:07


1 Answers

Looks like you are referencing both the Windows 10 SDK metadata (UAP) and the Windows 8.1 SDK metadata (Windows). Are you mixing old and new binaries, or an old project file? Try to create a new project from scratch and added your sources.

like image 139
Peter Torr - MSFT Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 08:09

Peter Torr - MSFT