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"winapifamily.h: No such file or directory" when compiling SDL in Code::Blocks

I am following along with the SDL2.0 tutorials by LazyFoo, using Code::Blocks 13.12. I have had no trouble getting SDL2 linked and running in VS2010 but have changed IDE and come across this error:

winapifamily.h: No such file or directory

I think everything is linked correctly. I have pointed the program to my SDL2 include and lib directories.

Buildlog: (error is occuring in file: ..\include\SDL2\SDL_platform.h)

=== Build: Debug in SDL2_Setup (compiler: GNU GCC Compiler) ===

fatal error: winapifamily.h: No such file or directory

=== Build fails: 1 error(s), 0 warning(s) (0 minute(s), 0 second(s)) ===

This is my first time asking a question on here. I did Google for an answer and search the existing questions/answers on here but was unable to solve the issue. Here is my code also.

My Code:

// Using SDL and standard IO #include <SDL.h> #include <stdio.h>  // Screen dimension constants const int SCREEN_WIDTH = 640; const int SCREEN_HEIGHT = 480;  int main( int argc, char* args[] ) {     // The window we'll be rendering to     SDL_Window* window = NULL;      // The surface contained by the window     SDL_Surface* screenSurface = NULL;      // Initialize SDL     if( SDL_Init( SDL_INIT_VIDEO) < 0 )     {         printf( "SDL could not initialize! SDL_GetError: %s\n", SDL_GetError() );     }     else     {         // Create window         window = SDL_CreateWindow( "SDL Tutorial", SDL_WINDOWPOS_UNDEFINED, SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT, SDL_WINDOW_SHOWN );         if( window == NULL )         {             printf( "Window could not be created! SDL_GetError: %s\n", SDL_GetError() );         }         else         {             // Get window surface             screenSurface = SDL_GetWindowSurface( window );              // Fill the surface white             SDL_FillRect( screenSurface, NULL, SDL_MapRGB( screenSurface->format, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF));              // Update the surface             SDL_UpdateWindowSurface( window );              // Wait two seconds             SDL_Delay( 2000 );         }     }      // Destroy window     SDL_DestroyWindow( window );      // Quit SDL subsystems     SDL_Quit();      return 0; } 
like image 858
user3427293 Avatar asked Mar 17 '14 02:03


2 Answers

UPDATE: SDL 2.0.4 is now out, includes a fix for this bug, and is available for download at http://libsdl.org/download-2.0.php

This is a bug in SDL 2.0.3. A fix has been committed for SDL's next release. In the meantime, here's a link to the fixed copy of SDL_platform.h:


If you drop the file into SDL 2.0.3's include\SDL2\ directory, overwriting the original, your app(s) should compile ok.

like image 152
David Ludwig Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 10:10

David Ludwig

The quick fix. Comment out lines 121 to 132 inclusively in SDL_platform.h The file loads into C::B when the error occurs. Save it and build away!

like image 20
Neil Regan Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 10:10

Neil Regan