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Win32 data types equivalant in Linux




I am trying to convert a C++ library which is using widely DWORD, CString and BYTE in the program, and now I am converting the code from C++ Win32 library to linux program . Also I am using openSUSE 12.3 and Anjuta IDE to do this , please help me which types I should use instead of mentioned types ? I think I should use unsigned int for DWORD and string for CString and unsigned char instead of BYTE is it right ?

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Bahram Avatar asked Apr 30 '13 09:04


2 Answers

CString will not convert directly to std::string, but it is a rough equivalent.

BYTE is indeed unsigned char and DWORD is unsigned int. WORD is unsigned short.

You should definitely use typedef actual_type WINDOWS_NAME; to fix the code up, don't go through everywhere to replace the types. I would add a new headerfile that is called something like "wintypes.h", and include that everywhere the "windows.h" is used.

Edit for comment: With CString, it really depends on how it is used (and whether the code is using what MS calls "Unicode" or "ASCII" strings). I would be tempted to create a class CString and then use std::string inside that. Most of it can probably be done by simply calling the equivalent std::string function, but some functions may need a bit more programming - again, it does depend on what member functions of CString are actually being used.

For LP<type>, that is just a pointer to the <type>, so typedef BYTE* LPBYTE; and typedef DWORD* LPDWORD; will do that.

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Mats Petersson Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 09:10

Mats Petersson

  • DWORD = uint32_t
  • BYTE = uint8_t

These types are not OS specifics and were added to C++11. You need to include <cstdint> to get them. If you have an old compiler you could use boost/cstdint, which is header only.

Use std::string instead CString, but you will need to change some code.

With these changes your code should compile on both Windows and Linux.

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Aymeric Barthe Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 09:10

Aymeric Barthe