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How to compute in-place set difference of two multisets?



Suppose I have two multisets. I want to remove all elements that occur in the second multiset from the first multiset, respecting the number of times each element occurs in each multiset. For example, If multiset a contains 1 five times, and multiset b two times, when I compute a -= b, only two instances of 1 should be removed from a.

Here is some code that accomplishes this:

 multiset<int> a;
 multiset<int> b;

 // remove all items that occur in b from a, respecting count ("a -= b")
 for (multiset<int>::iterator i = b.begin(); i != b.end(); i++) {
    if (a.count(*i) < 1) {
       // error 
    // a.erase(*i) would remove ALL elements equal to *i from a, but we 
    // only want to remove one.  a.find(*i) gives an iterator to the first
    // occurrence of *i in a.

Surely there's a better / more idiomatic way?

like image 496
nibot Avatar asked Apr 18 '13 09:04


People also ask

How do you find the difference between two sets in C++?

std::set_difference in C++ The difference of two sets is formed by the elements that are present in the first set, but not in the second one. The elements copied by the function come always from the first range, in the same order. The elements in the both the ranges shall already be ordered.

What is set and multiset in algorithm?

In simple words, set is a container that stores sorted and unique elements. If unordered is added means elements are not sorted. If multiset is added means duplicate elements storage is allowed.

What is multiset data structure?

Description. • A MultiSet is a data structure which stores and manipulates an unordered collection of elements which may be repeated. It is implemented as a Maple object. The procedure exports of a MultiSet are used to create, update, query and otherwise interact with one or more MultiSet objects.

1 Answers

While std::set_difference requires you to put the elements into a new set, you can certainly still optimize it by just moving the elements from the original set into the new one and swapping both afterwards (Ok, for ints moving isn't neccessary, but this way the algorithm keeps flexible and generic).

std::multiset<int> c;
                    b.begin(), b.end(), 
                    std::inserter(c, c.begin()));

Not completely in-place, but nearly and still quite idiomatic while being linear in complexity (since the std::insert_iterator will always provide a proper hint to std::multiset::insert).

like image 166
Christian Rau Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 22:10

Christian Rau