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Will Microsoft Edge support COM automation (InternetExplorer object)?

The last several versions of Internet Explorer have allowed a Windows desktop (classic) application to control IE (to some extent) via COM automation. Will this type of automation also be available in Microsoft Edge? If so, will the Methods, Properties and Events be the same?

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Ken Avatar asked Jul 08 '15 19:07


1 Answers

Microsoft Edge will not support the COM automation interface (InternetExplorer object) that you referred to.

For automation scenarios, our direction is to support of the WebDriver interface that is supported across browsers. WebDriver support is now available in Microsoft Edge on Windows 10 and requires a separate executable that you can download.

To get an idea of capabilities, you can refer to the Microsoft Edge WebDriver page which will be kept up-to-date with the latest WebDriver commands available.

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Charles Morris - MSFT Avatar answered Sep 26 '22 00:09

Charles Morris - MSFT