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Will LINQ use specialized/optimized versions of functions based on the type of the input?

If I do the something like the following with LINQ:

void DoSomeStuffWithHashSet()
  HashSet<int> set = new HashSet<int>();
  for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) set.Add(i);
  if (Lookup(set, new Random().NextInt(200))

bool Lookup(IEnumerable<int> haystack, int needle)
  // O(N) search or HashSet<int>.Contains()?
  return Enumerable.Contains(collection, needle);

Will Enumerable.Contains() resolve to the optimized implementation on HashSet or will a simple search be performed regardless of the input?

like image 327
larsmoa Avatar asked Feb 23 '23 22:02


2 Answers

Yes, it will use HashSet<T>.Contains. HashSet<T> implements ICollection<T> and per the documentation for Enumerable.Contains:

If the type of source implements ICollection<T>, the Contains method in that implementation is invoked to obtain the result. Otherwise, this method determines whether source contains the specified element.

always, Always, ALWAYS check the documentation!

like image 52
jason Avatar answered May 08 '23 20:05


Yes, it does - in some cases. Not always when you think it might be able to though.

As part of writing Edulinq, I wrote two posts (part 40; part 42) on optimization. Basically what counts as a valid optimization isn't always obvious - but there are definitely plenty of cases where LINQ to Object optimizes based on the execution-time type of the collection. This is mostly the case for methods returning a single value rather than a sequence.

like image 44
Jon Skeet Avatar answered May 08 '23 21:05

Jon Skeet