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how to remove the listening of callback on anonymous method?



I wrote some class:

public class A 
    public A()
        serviceAdapter.CompletedCallBackEvent += new EventHandler( foo );

    void foo(object sender, EventArgs e)
        serviceAdapter.CompletedCallBackEvent -= new EventHandler( foo );

Now, i want to change this callback listener with some anonymous - but i don't know how to remove the callback listener in the anonymous method .

class A
    public A()
            serviceAdapter.CompletedCallBackEvent += delegate( object sender, EventArgs ee )
                  ... need to remove the listener to the event. 
like image 563
Yanshof Avatar asked Feb 24 '23 23:02


2 Answers

You could simply assign your delegate/handler to a private variable.

private EventHander _handler = null;

public A()
    _handler = delegate( object sender, EventArgs ee)
            ServiceAdapter.CompletedCallBackEvent -= _handler;
    ServiceAdapter.CompletedCallBackEvent += _handler;
like image 64
Hasanain Avatar answered Feb 26 '23 11:02


You can't remove the anonymous delegate like that. See MSDN article on anonymous delegates. Also worth reading this article

You may be able to do:

     public A()
         EventHandler myHandler = null;
         myHandler = new EventHandler(delegate(object s, EventArgs e)
                 serviceAdapter.CompletedCallbackEvent -= myHandler;

         serviceAdapter.CompletedCallBackEvent += myHandler;
like image 33
IndigoDelta Avatar answered Feb 26 '23 11:02
