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Will iPhone app be rejected for not supporting iPhone 5 screen size? [duplicate]

Will Apple reject a newly submitted iPhone app that does not support the iPhone 5's screen dimensions, ie runs in compatibility mode and is built to the iPhone 4's screen dimensions?

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Sam Clewlow Avatar asked Dec 21 '22 10:12

Sam Clewlow

1 Answers

No, its not necessary. You will notice during submission to http://itunesconnect.apple.com/ Screen shots of iPhone 5 (4 inch retina ) are optional.


Now 4 inch retina screenshots are necessary to submit iPhone application on Apple AppStore. Means now you have to support iPhone 5 in every new app you submit to apple store, event when you submit a new version to existing application.

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Irfan DANISH Avatar answered Mar 15 '23 23:03