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How to update the app on app-store without new version?

I have uploaded an app on app-store. And I have just forget to remove an alert in it. Now I want just to update the old app without new version. So please help me to do this.

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Saurabh Avatar asked Dec 20 '22 14:12


2 Answers

There's only two ways in which you can upload the same app on App Store:

  • Upload a new version.
  • You'll have to delete your old app and upload the new one. In this your waiting queue will start from the day one. For example: if you've uploaded your app 2 days before and if you remove it now and upload the new build you are back to day 0 and you'll have to wait for 7 more days.

Uploading a new version is the good idea if your Alert is not very critical.

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Rushi Avatar answered Jan 10 '23 01:01


You can't. You must submit a new version for review. This new version must have a higher version number than the current version. There is no way to simply update an app.

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rmaddy Avatar answered Jan 10 '23 03:01
