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Will IE9 support the HTML5 File API?

Will IE9 support the HTML5 File API?

like image 807
Kyle Avatar asked Dec 03 '10 19:12


2 Answers

It doesn't really look like it: I can't see anything in the Internet Explorer 9 Beta Guide for Developers. True, it's not the final release yet, but you'd expect to see something about it in the Beta version if they were going to support it....

caniuse.com says "support unknown".

like image 54
Pekka Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 16:09


Internet Explorer 9 (final) does not support the File API, but does support the Drag and Drop API.

Microsoft's "HTML5 Labs" incubator is working on File API support and it is assumed that it will be in IE 10 most likely.

like image 45
Riyad Kalla Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 16:09

Riyad Kalla