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Why write a custom LINQ provider?

What is the benefit of writing a custom LINQ provider over writing a simple class which implements IEnumerable?

For example this quesiton shows Linq2Excel:

var book = new ExcelQueryFactory(@"C:\Users.xls");
var administrators = from x in book.Worksheet<User>()
                     where x.Role == "Administrator"
                     select x;

But what is the benefit over the "naive" implementation as IEnumerable?

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Yaron Naveh Avatar asked Dec 10 '10 16:12

Yaron Naveh

People also ask

What is the purpose of LINQ providers in LINQ?

A linq provider is software that implements the IQueryProvider and IQueryable interfaces for a particular data store. In other words, it allows you to write Linq queries against that data store. For example, the Linq to XML provider allows you to write Linq queries against XML documents.

Which interface is needed for LINQ?

LINQ is the collection of extension methods for classes that implements IEnumerable and IQueryable interfaces, therefore the LINQ query is applicable to any object that implements the IEnumerable or IQueryable interface.

What is IQueryable C#?

The IQueryable interface inherits the IEnumerable interface so that if it represents a query, the results of that query can be enumerated. Enumeration causes the expression tree associated with an IQueryable object to be executed. The definition of "executing an expression tree" is specific to a query provider.

2 Answers

A Linq provider's purpose is to basically "translate" Linq expression trees (which are built behind the scenes of a query) into the native query language of the data source. In cases where the data is already in memory, you don't need a Linq provider; Linq 2 Objects is fine. However, if you're using Linq to talk to an external data store like a DBMS or a cloud, it's absolutely essential.

The basic premise of any querying structure is that the data source's engine should do as much of the work as possible, and return only the data that is needed by the client. This is because the data source is assumed to know best how to manage the data it stores, and because network transport of data is relatively expensive time-wise, and so should be minimized. Now, in reality, that second part is "return only the data asked for by the client"; the server can't read your program's mind and know what it really needs; it can only give what it's asked for. Here's where an intelligent Linq provider absolutely blows away a "naive" implementation. Using the IQueryable side of Linq, which generates expression trees, a Linq provider can translate the expression tree into, say, a SQL statement that the DBMS will use to return the records the client is asking for in the Linq statement. A naive implementation would require retrieving ALL the records using some broad SQL statement, in order to provide a list of in-memory objects to the client, and then all the work of filtering, grouping, sorting, etc is done by the client.

For example, let's say you were using Linq to get a record from a table in the DB by its primary key. A Linq provider could translate dataSource.Query<MyObject>().Where(x=>x.Id == 1234).FirstOrDefault() into "SELECT TOP 1 * from MyObjectTable WHERE Id = 1234". That returns zero or one records. A "naive" implementation would probably send the server the query "SELECT * FROM MyObjectTable", then use the IEnumerable side of Linq (which works on in-memory classes) to do the filtering. In a statement you expect to produce 0-1 results out of a table with 10 million records, which of these do you think would do the job faster (or even work at all, without running out of memory)?

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KeithS Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 06:11


You don't need to write a LINQ provider if you only want to use the LINQ-to-Objects (i.e. foreach-like) functionality for your purpose, which mostly works against in-memory lists.

You do need to write a LINQ provider if you want to analyse the expression tree of a query in order to translate it to something else, like SQL. The ExcelQueryFactory you mentioned seems to work with an OLEDB-Connection for example. This possibly means that it doesn't need to load the whole excel file into memory when querying its data.

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herzmeister Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 08:11
