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Why would I make copy constructor and assignment operator private and implemented in C++?

Inspired by this question.

Usually the reason to make copy-constructor and assignment operator private is to make the class non-copyable so that objects can only be created and destroyed, but not copied - most of the times it is because copying them would make no sense. In such cases the copy constructor and the assignment operator are both made private and not implemented - if the class is not copyable then noone should copy.

Is there a case when copy constructor and assignment operator need to be private and have meaningful implementation at the same time?

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sharptooth Avatar asked Jul 25 '11 11:07


3 Answers

There are two cases that come to mind immediately:

  1. friends:

    Say that, as part of your design, you have two highly coupled classes where one needs to be able to copy the other (say, as in a factory model or some such), but you don't want to let the whole world be able to copy it.

  2. wrappers:

    Say you want to be able to conditionally clone some element, depending on some internal behavior (e.g., depending on some class-stateful condition) - the cleanest way, from a language perspective - is still to separate the copying into its own function. This would allow for good separation of concerns.

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Nate Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 09:11


My guess is that this can be useful for a class that is holding a list of itself - then it can copy the instances internally. This is really only useful for a class that is both the item and the container:

class MyItems
    /* Copy ctor and =operator */
    List list;
    void AddItems(MyItems* items)
        MyItems* added = new MyItems(items);

Another thought is to allow cloning in circumstance controlled by the class. This might be useful when copying can make sense, but only on specific conditions or permissions:

class MyClass
    /* Copy ctor and =operator */
    MyClass* clone()
        if (canClone)
            MyClass* cloned = new MyClass(this);
            return cloned;
            return NULL;
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Eli Iser Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 10:11

Eli Iser

  1. We make copy constructor and operator = unimplemented so that even a friend cannot have any access to it. If you implement, it means you want a friend to have access. This is a design decision.
  2. You want to do explicit cloning; i.e. allow copying but also make its code "dirty" looking (something like C++ style casting operations, which shows dirt in your code)


class A {
  A(const A& obj) { ... }
  A& operator = (const A& obj) { ... }
  A& clone(const A& obj)
    *this = obj;
    return *this;

We have put this wrapper clone() to allow the user for cloning, however it also displays explicitly what exactly he/she is doing.

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iammilind Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 10:11
