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questions about memory pool

I need some clarifications for the concept & implementation on memory pool.

By memory pool on wiki, it says that

also called fixed-size-blocks allocation, ... , as those implementations suffer from fragmentation because of variable block sizes, it can be impossible to use them in a real time system due to performance.

How "variable block size causes fragmentation" happens? How fixed sized allocation can solve this? This wiki description sounds a bit misleading to me. I think fragmentation is not avoided by fixed sized allocation or caused by variable size. In memory pool context, fragmentation is avoided by specific designed memory allocators for specific application, or reduced by restrictly using an intended block of memory.

Also by several implementation samples, e.g., Code Sample 1 and Code Sample 2, it seems to me, to use memory pool, the developer has to know the data type very well, then cut, split, or organize the data into the linked memory chunks (if data is close to linked list) or hierarchical linked chunks (if data is more hierarchical organized, like files). Besides, it seems the developer has to predict in prior how much memory he needs.

Well, I could imagine this works well for an array of primitive data. What about C++ non-primitive data classes, in which the memory model is not that evident? Even for primitive data, should the developer consider the data type alignment?

Is there good memory pool library for C and C++?

Thanks for any comments!

like image 645
pepero Avatar asked Jul 19 '11 13:07


People also ask

What is memory pool in memory management?

A memory pool is a logical division of main memory or storage that is reserved for processing a job or group of jobs. On your system, all main storage can be divided into logical allocations called memory pools. By default, the system manages the transfer of data and programs into memory pools.

What is free pool memory?

In a given computer, memory is used by the operating system as well as by any running applications. Any memory left over is considered to be part of the “free memory pool”.

How does memory allocation happen in C++?

Dynamic memory allocation in C/C++ refers to performing memory allocation manually by a programmer. Dynamically allocated memory is allocated on Heap, and non-static and local variables get memory allocated on Stack (Refer to Memory Layout C Programs for details).

1 Answers

Variable block size indeed causes fragmentation. Look at the picture that I am attaching: enter image description here

The image (from here) shows a situation in which A, B, and C allocates chunks of memory, variable sized chunks.

At some point, B frees all its chunks of memory, and suddenly you have fragmentation. E.g., if C needed to allocate a large chunk of memory, that still would fit into available memory, it could not do because available memory is split in two blocks.

Now, if you think about the case where each chunk of memory would be of the same size, this situation would clearly not arise.

Memory pools, of course, have their own drawbacks, as you yourself point out. So you should not think that a memory pool is a magical wand. It has a cost and it makes sense to pay it under specific circumstances (i.e., embedded system with limited memory, real time constraints and so on).

As to which memory pool is good in C++, I would say that it depends. I have used one under VxWorks that was provided by the OS; in a sense, a good memory pool is effective when it is tightly integrated with the OS. Actually each RTOS offers an implementation of memory pools, I guess.

If you are looking for a generic memory pool implementation, look at this.


From you last comment, it seems to me that possibly you are thinking of memory pools as "the" solution to the problem of fragmentation. Unfortunately, this is not the case. If you want, fragmentation is the manifestation of entropy at the memory level, i.e., it is inevitable. On the other hand, memory pools are a way to manage memory in such a way as to effectively reduce the impact of fragmentation (as I said, and as wikipedia mentioned, mostly on specific systems like real time systems). This comes to a cost, since a memory pool can be less efficient than a "normal" memory allocation technique in that you have a minimum block size. In other words, the entropy reappears under disguise.

Furthermore, that are many parameters that affect the efficiency of a memory pool system, like block size, block allocation policy, or whether you have just one memory pool or you have several memory pools with different block sizes, different lifetimes or different policies.

Memory management is really a complex matter and memory pools are just a technique that, like any other, improves things in comparison to other techniques and exact a cost of its own.

like image 172
sergio Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 07:10
