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Why use the "finally" keyword? [duplicate]

I understand what the "finally" keyword is used for in various languages, however, I struggle to understand why you would use it outside of there being a formatting preference in taste.

For instance, in PHP:

try {
catch (CustomException $customException) {
  // handle custom error
catch (Exception $exception) {
  // handle the error
finally {
  // run this code every single time regardless of error or not

What's the difference between what this code is doing and this?

try {
catch (CustomException $customException) {
  // handle custom error
catch (Exception $exception) {
  // handle the error

// run this code every single time regardless of error or not

Doesn't that last line always get run anyway due to the error being caught? In which case, there is no case to really use finally unless you just want to maintain a code-style formatting?

An example of a case where a finally statement is necessary and distinct from just putting code after try/catch statements would be helpful if I am missing something here.

like image 773
Jake Avatar asked Jul 29 '19 20:07


People also ask

Why finally keyword is used?

The finally keyword is used to execute code (used with exceptions - try.. catch statements) no matter if there is an exception or not.

Why would you use a finally in Java?

The finally block in java is used to put important codes such as clean up code e.g. closing the file or closing the connection. The finally block executes whether exception rise or not and whether exception handled or not. A finally contains all the crucial statements regardless of the exception occurs or not.

Why do we need finally in python?

It defines a block of code to run when the try... except...else block is final. The finally block will be executed no matter if the try block raises an error or not. This can be useful to close objects and clean up resources.

1 Answers

Short Answer

Finally blocks are guaranteed to run no matter what happens inside of the try and catch blocks, before allowing the program to crash.

This is sort of explained here: https://www.php.net/manual/en/language.exceptions.php though the explanation isn't particularly detailed.

Some More Detail

One example that comes to the top of my head is if you are dealing with input/output streams or something similar that has to be closed after use in order to avoid a memory leak. To use your example:

try {
catch (CustomException $customException) {
  // handle custom error
catch (Exception $exception) {
  // handle the error
  invisibleBug.whoops(); // i.e. something goes wrong in this block

memoryUser.Close(); // because something went wrong in the catch block,
                    // this never runs, which, in this case, causes a memory leak

In this case, wrapping the memoryUser.Close(); in a finally block would ensure that that line would run before the rest of the program exploded, preventing the memory leak even in an otherwise catastrophic failure.


So a lot of the time, people put the finally block there to ensure an important line runs, even if they overlooked something in the catch blocks. This is how I've always seen it used.

Hopefully this helps :)

like image 117
Reagan Duggins Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 00:10

Reagan Duggins