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Why use SHA1 for hashing secrets when SHA-512 is more secure?





I don't mean for this to be a debate, but I'm trying to understand the technical rationale behind why so many apps use SHA1 for hashing secrets, when SHA512 is more secure. Perhaps it's simply for backwards compatibility.

Besides the obvious larger size (128 chars vs 40), or slight speed differences, is there any other reason why folks use the former?

Also, SHA-1 I believe was first cracked by a VCR's processor years ago. Has anyone cracked 512 yet (perhaps with a leaf blower), or is it still safe to use without salting?

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orokusaki Avatar asked Apr 14 '10 19:04


People also ask

Is SHA512 more secure than SHA1?

The basic difference between SHA1 and SHA512 is the length of hash values generated by both algorithms – SHA1 has a 160-bit hash value while SHA512 has a 512-bit hash value. Therefore, making SHA512 a much more secure algorithm.

Why is SHA2 more secure than SHA1?

The SHA2 family of functions serve the same end as SHA1: provide a collision-resistant cryptographic hash of given input as fixed-length output. The NSA designed SHA2 to overcome theoretical breaks in SHA1. The new design improved security by increasing collision resistance.

Is SHA256 more secure than SHA1?

The internal state size of SHA256 is 256. 3. It is less secure as compared. It is more secure than SHA1.

Why do we use SHA1?

SHA-1 is a commonly used cryptographic hash function It's most often used to verify a file has been unaltered. This is done by producing a checksum before the file has been transmitted, and then again once it reaches its destination. The transmitted file can be considered genuine only if both checksums are identical.

1 Answers

Most uses of SHA-1 are for interoperability: we use SHA-1 when we implement protocols where SHA-1 is mandated. Ease of development also comes into account: SHA-1 implementations in various languages and programming environment are more common than SHA-512 implementations.

Also, even so most usages of hash functions do not have performance issues (at least, no performance issue where the hash function is the bottleneck), there are some architectures where SHA-1 is vastly more efficient than SHA-512. Consider a basic Linksys router: it uses a Mips-derivative CPU, clocked at 200 MHz. Such a machine can be reprogrammed, e.g. with OpenWRT (a small Linux for embedded systems). As a router, it has fast network (100Mbit/s). Suppose that you want to hash some data (e.g. as part of some VPN software -- a router looks like a good candidate for running a VPN). With SHA-1, you will get about 6 MB/s, using the full CPU. That's already quite lower than the network bandwidth. SHA-512 will give you no more than 1.5 MB/s on the same machine. On such a system, the difference in performance is not negligible. Also, if I use SHA-1 on my Linksys router for some communication protocol, then the machine at the other end of the link will also have to use SHA-1.

The good news is that there is an ongoing competition to select a new standard hash function, code-named SHA-3. Some of the competing candidates provide performance similar to SHA-1, or even somewhat better, while still yielding a 512-bit output and be (probably) as secure as SHA-512.

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Thomas Pornin Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 10:10

Thomas Pornin