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Why Use IdentityServer4?

I have a web application that needs to be very secure. I have read the IdentyServer4 overview. I don't understand under what circumstances I would need to use it. I would appreciate it if anyone could clarify. Thanks in advance!

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Missy Avatar asked Jul 19 '17 14:07


People also ask

Do I need IdentityServer4?

Why do we need IdentityServer4? ASP.NET Identity can receive a security token from a third-party login provider like Facebook, Google, Microsoft and Twitter. But If you want to issue a security token for a local ASP.NET Identity user you need to work with a third-party library like IdentityServer4, OpenIddict.

Is IdentityServer4 obsolete?

The current version (IdentityServer4 v4. x) will be the last version we work on as free open source. We will keep supporting IdentityServer4 until the end of life of . NET Core 3.1 in November 2022.

What is client in IdentityServer4?

Client. A client is a piece of software that requests tokens from IdentityServer - either for authenticating a user (requesting an identity token) or for accessing a resource (requesting an access token). A client must be first registered with IdentityServer before it can request tokens.

What is API scope in IdentityServer4?

This class models an OAuth scope. Enabled. Indicates if this resource is enabled and can be requested. Defaults to true.

1 Answers

IdentityServer4 is an OpenID Connect and OAuth 2.0 framework for ASP.NET Core

It gives you the power of single sign on for all your applications. Single centralized server which can verify your client applications, Issue access tokens for APIs for various types of clients, you can configure the options according to your requirements.

identity server will give you secure login and API access protection - you will be accessing the api resources through secure token, and Identity server is build upon openID connect and oauth2.0 which will manage the tokens for you.

Not to forget, all the login code and logic(which is required for almost all the web apps today) has been tested hundred times and improved over time. This makes it almost bug free and much more reliable than writing the same thing yourself!

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JayDeeEss Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 21:10
