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Identity Server 4/nativescript Hangs

I have the following client:

new Client
    ClientId = "nativeapptest",
    ClientName = "Native App Test",
    Enabled = true,
    RequireClientSecret = false,
    AllowedGrantTypes = GrantTypes.Code,
    RedirectUris = { "com.mysite.nativeapp.12365789785256-buv2dwer7jjjjv5fckasdftn367psbrlb:/home" },
    AllowedScopes =
    RequirePkce = false,
    AllowOfflineAccess = true,
    RequireConsent = false

I am using native-script to build an android app that can log in with Identity Server 4. What currently happens is that I make a request to IS4 by opening a browser and using all the correct OpenID configuration and I end up on the login screen which then I choose to login with Google. Once on google, I enter my email and password and its all good and then Google tries to send me back to my site but it just hangs... Its a white page with nothing loaded and its just sits there forever, there are no error messages logged by is4 as far as I can tell.

The login part above for nativescript is from OAutho2 library https://www.npmjs.com/package/nativescript-oauth2

I'm trying to understand would this be a problem on the IS4 or the native Android application. Is the page hanging because it is waiting on the android application to take over having the login have worked? Mabye the problem is with the RedirectURI Scheme?

The URL it hangs on is as follows:



Since I'm running this on the actual server, I can't debug it directly, however, I did add logs to see how far the code goes. My logs tell me that the user was logged in by google and my system and my logs also show that ExternalCallback has redirected the page to


At this point, the page hangs.

Please note that we changed RedirectUri to com.mysite.nativeapp to help with testing.

Lastly, I'm not sure if it matters, but we are not using https as this is still development phase.

like image 653
Bagzli Avatar asked Dec 30 '18 19:12


1 Answers

just finsed the sample app

Step 01

We will open a Run window

On the keybord press

Windoes Key + R


Step 02

We will open a cmd Window

On the Run window text-Input write


on the Keybord press


Step 03

We will make a directory and make it the working directory for our cmd

On the CMD Window write

mkdir D:\Experiments\E.IDser.NativeScript

cd /d D:\Experiments\E.IDser.NativeScript

Step 04

We will make a clone the sample project

On the CMD Window write

git clone https://github.com/Elrashid/nativescript-client-and-identity-server-sample.git

cd nativescript-client-and-identity-server-sample

Step 05

Now will run the apps

On the CMD Window write


Step 06

how to use

enter image description here enter image description here enter image description here

enter image description here enter image description here enter image description here


1    app
     identity     |
2    server       |
3    google       +-+   user
                  |     intractiom
                  |       your
     identity     |       app
4    server       | <---+ stop
              +---+       here

5     app     +---+
     identity     +--+  background
6    server       |
7     app         |

see register a custom URL scheme for Android


also you can try

 tns debug android

Erorr This site cannot be reached

communication between Identity Server and Native-Script

  • run

  • do not run run

  • native script app should run in in android emulator

    enter image description here

  • identity server should be run in local machine at port 5010

  • check in your windows browser you can open

  • if yes

  • check in your **android emulator ** browser you can open
  • what is ?

    special alias to your android emulator host loopback interface

  • can i change where my host ?

    open nativescript-client\app\my-oauth-provider.ts

        public authority = "";
        public tokenEndpointBase = "";
        public cookieDomains = [""];
  • change to your web address

like image 83
Mohamed Elrashid Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 11:10

Mohamed Elrashid