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Why transposing a CUDA grid (but not its threadblocks) still slowdowns computation?

EDIT: It seems that, at least in this case, transposing the grid has a negative effect on the L2 Cache Bandwidth. This was obtained from the visual profiler. The reason why is not clear to me yet.

I have come to a GPU computing situation in which require to transpose a CUDA grid. So, if block_{x,y} originally acted on data region d_{x,y}, now it acts on data region d_{y,x}, therefore block_{y,x} would act on data region d_{x,y}. An example is presented in the following figure. enter image description here

It is worth mentioning that threads are not transposed inside each block, that is, once the block is located, the threadIdx.x and threadIdx.y values are used in a normal way for their x and y offsets, respectively.

From what I know, in theory this design should do no harm in performance, as the memory coalescing pattern is still preserved, i.e., threads inside a block are not transposed, it is just the grid that re-arranged its blocks. However I found that when transposing the grid, the kernel runs approx. 2X slower than in the normal case. I made a toy example to illustrate the situation.

➜  transpose-grid ./prog 10000 10000 100 0
init data.....................done: zero matrix of 10000 x 10000
copy data to GPU..............done
preparing grid................done: block(32, 32, 1), grid(313, 313, 1)
normal_kernel (100 rep).......done: 0.935132 ms
verifying correctness.........ok
➜  transpose-grid ./prog 10000 10000 100 1
init data.....................done: zero matrix of 10000 x 10000
copy data to GPU..............done
preparing grid................done: block(32, 32, 1), grid(313, 313, 1)
transp_kernel (100 rep).......done: 1.980445 ms
verifying correctness.........ok

I would really appreciate any explanation for this issue. Here is the source code to reproduce the behavior.

 // -----------------------------------
 // can compile as nvcc main.cu -o prog
 // -----------------------------------

 #include <cuda.h>
 #include <cstdio>

 #define BSIZE2D 32

 __global__ void normal_kernel(int *dmat, const int m, const int n){
     const int i = blockIdx.y*blockDim.y + threadIdx.y;
     const int j = blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
     if(i < m && j < n){
         dmat[i*n + j] = 1;

 __global__ void transp_kernel(int *dmat, const int m, const int n){
     const int i = blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + threadIdx.y;
     const int j = blockIdx.y*blockDim.y + threadIdx.x;
     if(i < m && j < n){
         dmat[i*n + j] = 1;

 int verify(int *hmat, const int m, const int n){
     printf("verifying correctness........."); fflush(stdout);
     for(int i=0; i<m*n; ++i){
         if(hmat[i] != 1){
             fprintf(stderr, "Incorrect value at m[%i,%i] = %i\n", i/n, i%n);
             return 0;
     printf("ok\n"); fflush(stdout);
     return 1;
 int main(int argc, char **argv){
     if(argc != 5){
         printf("\nrun as ./prog m n r t\n\nr = number of repeats\nt = transpose (1 or 0)\n");
     const int m = atoi(argv[1]);
     const int n = atoi(argv[2]);
     const int r = atoi(argv[3]);
     const int t = atoi(argv[4]);
     const unsigned int size = m*n;
     cudaEvent_t start, stop;
     float time;
     int *hmat, *dmat;

     printf("init data....................."); fflush(stdout);
     hmat = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int)*(size));
     for(int i=0; i<size; ++i){
         hmat[i] = 0;
     printf("done: zero matrix of %i rows x %i cols\n", m, n);

     printf("copy data to GPU.............."); fflush(stdout);
     cudaMalloc(&dmat, sizeof(int)*(size));
     cudaMemcpy(dmat, hmat, sizeof(int)*(size), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);

     printf("preparing grid................"); fflush(stdout);
     dim3 block(BSIZE2D, BSIZE2D, 1);
     dim3 grid;
     // if transpose or not
         grid = dim3((m + BSIZE2D - 1)/BSIZE2D, (n + BSIZE2D - 1)/BSIZE2D, 1);
         grid = dim3((n + BSIZE2D - 1)/BSIZE2D, (m + BSIZE2D - 1)/BSIZE2D, 1);
     printf("done: block(%i, %i, %i), grid(%i, %i, %i)\n", block.x, block.y, block.z, grid.x, grid.y, grid.z);

         printf("transp_kernel (%3i rep).......", r); fflush(stdout);
         cudaEventRecord(start, 0);
         for(int i=0; i<r; ++i){
             transp_kernel<<<grid, block>>>(dmat, m, n);
         cudaEventElapsedTime(&time, start, stop); // that's our time!
         printf("done: %f ms\n", time/(float)r);
         printf("normal_kernel (%3i rep).......", r); fflush(stdout);
         cudaEventRecord(start, 0);
         for(int i=0; i<r; ++i){
             normal_kernel<<<grid, block>>>(dmat, m, n);
         cudaEventElapsedTime(&time, start, stop); // that's our time!
         printf("done: %f ms\n", time/(float)r);

     cudaMemcpy(hmat, dmat, sizeof(int)*size, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);
     verify(hmat, m, n);
like image 787
Cristobal Navarro Avatar asked Feb 08 '18 15:02

Cristobal Navarro

People also ask

What is the difference between blocks and threads in CUDA?

CUDA Thread Organization Grids consist of blocks. Blocks consist of threads. A grid can contain up to 3 dimensions of blocks, and a block can contain up to 3 dimensions of threads. A grid can have 1 to 65535 blocks, and a block (on most devices) can have 1 to 512 threads.

What is the maximum number of threads in a CUDA device?

In recent CUDA devices, a SM can accommodate up to 1536 threads. The configuration depends upon the programmer. This can be in the form of 3 blocks of 512 threads each, 6 blocks of 256 threads each or 12 blocks of 128 threads each. The upper limit is on the number of threads, and not on the number of blocks.

How does CUDA reduce the number of blocks assigned to SMS?

For example, if the resources of a SM are not sufficient to run 8 blocks of threads, then the number of blocks that are assigned to it is dynamically reduced by the CUDA runtime. Reduction is done on block granularity.

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Synchronization between Threads. The CUDA API has a method, __syncthreads() to synchronize threads. When the method is encountered in the kernel, all threads in a block will be blocked at the calling location until each of them reaches the location.

1 Answers

Since I could not find any literature on that topic here is my guess-explanation rather basing on experience (my old problem with memory reading speed).

As you wrote, your example preserves memory coalescing pattern but it is done only on warp level (consecutive 32 threads). But to achieve full speed, there is a need for coalescing on inter-warp level - and here the reason is not clear if such coalescing is actually done or maybe cache&memory works somehow better in this scenario (probably as described here we have better utilization of memory burst mode).

So in your normal_kernel execution not only single warp is coalesced but also warp from the next block(s).

To check it on your example I have modified your code to use different block sizes and here are my results on 1080Ti:

Block size (32, 32) same as yours:

~$ ./prog 10240 10240 100 0
init data.....................done: zero matrix of 10240 rows x 10240 cols
copy data to GPU..............done
preparing grid................done: block(32, 32, 1), grid(320, 320, 1)
normal_kernel (100 rep).......done: 1.020545 ms
verifying correctness.........ok

~$ ./prog 10240 10240 100 1
init data.....................done: zero matrix of 10240 rows x 10240 cols
copy data to GPU..............done
preparing grid................done: block(32, 32, 1), grid(320, 320, 1)
transp_kernel (100 rep).......done: 1.564084 ms
verifying correctness.........ok

Block size (64, 16) unfortunetly we cannot create 64,64 since #threads limit in one block:

~$ ./prog 10240 10240 100 0
init data.....................done: zero matrix of 10240 rows x 10240 cols
copy data to GPU..............done
preparing grid................done: block(64, 16, 1), grid(160, 640, 1)
normal_kernel (100 rep).......done: 1.020420 ms
verifying correctness.........ok

~$ ./prog 10240 10240 100 1
init data.....................done: zero matrix of 10240 rows x 10240 cols
copy data to GPU..............done
preparing grid................done: block(64, 16, 1), grid(160, 640, 1)
transp_kernel (100 rep).......done: 1.205506 ms
verifying correctness.........ok

Block size (128, 8):

~$ ./prog 10240 10240 100 0
init data.....................done: zero matrix of 10240 rows x 10240 cols
copy data to GPU..............done
preparing grid................done: block(128, 8, 1), grid(80, 1280, 1)
normal_kernel (100 rep).......done: 1.019547 ms
verifying correctness.........ok

~$ ./prog 10240 10240 100 1
init data.....................done: zero matrix of 10240 rows x 10240 cols
copy data to GPU..............done
preparing grid................done: block(128, 8, 1), grid(80, 1280, 1)
transp_kernel (100 rep).......done: 1.058236 ms
verifying correctness.........ok

I'm not sure if this helps in your particular problem but at least we have some more data to discuss.

like image 183
Krzysztof Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 10:10
