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Why throws exception when using Guid.Parse() method?

I am working with a WebApi application where I have written a method to get the Student using the following code:

    public Student GetStudent(string studentId)
        var student = this.context.Students.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == Guid.Parse(studentId));
        return student;

Here the studentId is getting from a WebApi call. But when I tried to run this application it throws an exception like:

Additional information: LINQ to Entities does not recognize the method 'System.Guid Parse(System.String)' method, and this method cannot be translated into a store expression.

Is there any one tell me why this is occurred and how can I resolve this issue?

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coderhunk Avatar asked Feb 15 '16 06:02


2 Answers

First of all when you use EntityFramework, it will try to convert the Guid.Parse() method to a SQL and it fails to do that as it cannot convert to SQL statement/ 'store expression'.

You should just move the string parsing out of store expression and parse the string to Guid value before using it in the Query.

    public Student GetStudent(string studentId)
        var stdId = Guid.Parse(studentId);
        var student = this.context.Students.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == stdId);
        return student;
like image 55
Mainul Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 03:10


You may try this approach:

public Student GetStudent(string studentId)
    var student = (from c in this.context.Students
                  let guidId = Guid.Parse(studentId)
                  where c.Id == guidId
                  select c).FirstOrDefault();

    return student;

In this approach let allows You to create new temporary variable, that might be used later in LinqToEntities query.

I agree with @Mainul answer regarding reason of exception:

Firt of all when you use EntityFramework, this will tried to convert the Guid.Parse() method to a SQL and it fails to do that as it cannot convert to SQL statement/ 'store expression'.

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madoxdev Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 03:10
