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Downgrade (Rollback) Database with code-first in production environment

I have a web application that I install on my customers' computers for their inner use. I use C# MVC5 and code-first Entity Framework. I used automatic migration=true but I stopped and set it to false. I installed it on a production environment (release) - with a deploy-package (no Visual Studio).

I have a customer with the application - version 1. Now I want to upgrade to version 2. I want to enable to upgrade the App's DB (in production file, with CMD installation from a package), but to have the possibility to downgrade the DB if there'll be any problems - but without deleting the existing rows.

For example - if I have a table "Items" and Items has Key, Name, Location. On upgrade I add a new column: Email. On downgrade - the new column will be deleted. I created the migration on Visual Studio I get this code (It's just for the example - I have more migrations):

public partial class AddEmail : DbMigration
        public override void Up()
            AddColumn("dbo.Items", "Email", c => c.String());

        public override void Down()
            DropColumn("dbo.Items", "Email");

Now, I installed the App's new version on the existing version and it worked fine - the new column was added and it worked with the new code. I added a few items (rows).

Now, how can I re-install the old version so the new column will be deleted? Actually I want to rollback the new migrations - but I don't want to lose the new rows, only the new columns.

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TamarG Avatar asked Jul 27 '15 06:07


1 Answers

In this article there is an explanation how to create a script that migrate from one migration to another - upgrade or downgrade. So I ran in the Package Manager Console -

Update-Database -Script -TargetMigration: MyMigration1

and got the SQL script.

I needed to go through it a fix it a little and then I just ran it on the Production Database to downgrade the DB.

like image 160
TamarG Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 13:10
