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Why there is no "Home" button in iPad simulator in iOS 5.1 SDK?

People also ask

How do you tap in iOS simulator?

When in the simulator, hold the option key down and click - this will simulate a two-finger tap!

How do you open an iPad simulator?

The basic way to open a list of simulators is to use Xcode -> Window -> Devices and Simulators. Here you can create and manage all available simulators. But you cannot run them directly. You need to build your application on the simulator, and then you can run it.

Use the Hardware > Home menu item, or hit Cmd + Shift + H

Works great. COMMAND+SHIFT+ H(double tap)

I want to say it's because they want us to remember the new resolution when debugging.

edit: My answer is to the title directly

iPhone Simulator Key Shortcuts

Command-Left Arrow

Rotate left

Command-Right Arrow

Rotate right


go home. leave the application and return to the springboard home screen


simulates locking the phone