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Why string is functioning differently




I have the following code

 char ptr=new char();

 int counter = 1;
 string s = new System.String(ptr, counter);

 // does not show something

 //shows something
 MessageBox.Show("Something" + s);

The first Messagebox shows nothing enter image description here

The Second Messagebox shows something enter image description here

If the counter value is 0 then both messagebox shows same result but if counter is greater than 0 then the problem occurs.

I think the problem is with new string(ptr, counter) initilization

. But I want to know the internal mechnism why this is occured.

like image 951
Md Kamruzzaman Sarker Avatar asked May 27 '12 03:05

Md Kamruzzaman Sarker

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2 Answers

ptr is a null character ('\0') and s is a string with one copy of that character (i.e. "\0"). So, at runtime, your first call's parameter evaluates to "\0Something" whereas your other one evaluates to "Something\0".

In C#, strings are allowed to have null characters; you can conceptualize them as just a char[] array (which has a known length); So null characters are OK. The issue comes about when you pass to a C API. C doesn't have strings, so they're immitated using null-terminated strings. As far as any C API is concerned, "\0Something" is an empty string (strlen would return 0). So, when you use MessageBox.Show, your string is passed on down to the Win32 API function, MessageBoxW which only understands null-terminated strings.

From the .NET source code for MessageBox.Show(string)

public static DialogResult Show(string text)
    return ShowCore(null, text, string.Empty, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.None, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1, 0, false);

Towards the end of ShowCore, we see this line:

return (DialogResult)MessageBoxW(handle, text, caption, style);

And that MessageBoxW call is that Win32 API function in user32.dll.

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Cole Tobin Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 11:10

Cole Tobin

new char() returns an empty character (contains two zero bytes), so ptr is '\0'.

When you use s = new System.String(ptr, 0);, the constructor concatenates the '\0' character zero times, resulting in an empty string (""). Adding the empty string to another string has no effect, so s+"Something" is equal to "Something"+s which is "Something".

In another way, using s = new System.String(ptr, 1); creates a string containing a single '\0' character. Then adding this string before "Something" results in "\0Something" where adding after it results in "Something\0".

In C# strings are not manipulated as NULL-Terminated Strings, so when you create "\0Something", you really have it (you can make sure by taking the Length of the string which is 10), however MessageBox.Show is converted to Win32 MessageBox function of the windows user32 library. And that function requires a null-terminated string (it stops when encounters a zero byte or two zero bytes for unicode strings).

like image 43
Mohammad Dehghan Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 12:10

Mohammad Dehghan