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Why should I use bitwise/bitmask in PHP?

I am working on a user-role / permission system in PHP for a script.

Below is a code using a bitmask method for permissions that I found on phpbuilder.com.

Below that part is a much simpler version w3hich could do basicly the same thing without the bit part.

Many people have recommended using bit operators and such for settings and other things in PHP, I have never understood why though. In the code below is there ANY benefit from using the first code instead of the second?

 * Correct the variables stored in array.
 * @param    integer    $mask Integer of the bit
 * @return    array
function bitMask($mask = 0) {
    $return = array();
    while ($mask > 0) {
        for($i = 0, $n = 0; $i <= $mask; $i = 1 * pow(2, $n), $n++) {
            $end = $i;
        $return[] = $end;
        $mask = $mask - $end;
    return $return;

define('PERMISSION_READ', 1);
define('PERMISSION_ADD',  2);

//run function
// this value would be pulled from a user's setting mysql table
$_ARR_permission = bitMask('5');

if(in_array(PERMISSION_READ, $_ARR_permission)) {
    echo 'Access granted.';
}else {
    echo 'Access denied.';

non-bit version

   NON bitwise method

// this value would be pulled from a user's setting mysql table
$user_permission_level = 4;

if($user_permission_level === 4) {
    echo 'Access granted.';
}else {
    echo 'Access denied.';

like image 943
JasonDavis Avatar asked Sep 04 '09 15:09


People also ask

What is the purpose of a bitmask?

Bitmasks. In binary operations, a bitmask can filter bit values using logical operations. For instance, a bitmask of 00001111 one operand of the boolean AND operation, it converts the first four bits of the other operand to 0. The final four bits will be unchanged.

When should you use a bitmask?

Bitmasks are used when you want to encode multiple layers of information in a single number. So (assuming unix file permissions) if you want to store 3 levels of access restriction (read, write, execute) you could check for each level by checking the corresponding bit.

Is bitmask and bit manipulation same?

Bitmasks are a type of bit manipulation, usually performed using the bitwise AND operator to read or clear a specific number of bits. It can also refer to setting, clearing, and toggling individual bits in a bit field.

What is Bitwise operator PHP?

The Bitwise operators is used to perform bit-level operations on the operands. The operators are first converted to bit-level and then calculation is performed on the operands. The mathematical operations such as addition , subtraction , multiplication etc.

1 Answers

Why not just do this...

define('PERMISSION_READ', 1);
define('PERMISSION_ADD',  2);

//run function
// this value would be pulled from a user's setting mysql table
$_ARR_permission = 5;

if($_ARR_permission & PERMISSION_READ) {
    echo 'Access granted.';
}else {
    echo 'Access denied.';

You can also create lots of arbitrary combinations of permissions if you use bits...

$read_only = PERMISSION_READ;

//manipulating permissions is easy...
$myrights = PERMISSION_READ;
$myrights |= PERMISSION_UPDATE;    // add Update permission to my rights
like image 123
Rik Heywood Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 00:09

Rik Heywood